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Sencha Architect 4.1 is Now Generally Available

December 15, 2016 109 Views

We’re pleased to announce that Sencha Architect 4.1 is now generally available, providing support for Ext JS 6.2.1 and Cmd 6.2.1. With Architect 4.1, you can drag and drop Ext JS 6 premium components – D3, Pivot Grid, Calendar, Exporter, and various Grid plugins to quickly build business-critical web applications.

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What’s New

Following are some of the new features and enhancements in Architect 4.1. To learn more, please watch our recent webinar, Accelerating Web Application Development with Sencha Architect 4.1 and Themer 1.1, and read the documentation.

Support for Premium Components – D3, Calendar, Pivot Grid, and Exporter

With Architect 4.1, the Ext JS premium components – D3, Calendar, Pivot Grid, and Exporter – are available for both Modern and Classic toolkits. You can drag and drop premium components on the design pane and use the config panel to connect to the store. For Pivot Grid, you can add Grid plugins for configurator, drill down, and range editor. You can add the Exporter plugin to Grid or Pivot Grid and enable data export to XSLX, Excel, XML, HTML, and CSV/TSV file formats. You will need to copy Ext JS add-on packages to the Architect framework packages directory to view related examples included with Architect.

Architect 4.1 - Support for Premium Components

Support for Ext JS 6.2.1 and Cmd 6.2.1

Architect 4.1 supports Ext JS 6.2.1 and Cmd 6.2.1. You can manage Ext JS framework and Cmd assets used by Sencha Architect with the option to “Update Assets”. With this option, it’s easy to install or remove an Ext JS or Cmd version. You can find the “Manage Frameworks” option in the File tab under the Architect Preferences menu.

Architect 4.1 - Support for Ext JS 6.2.1 and Cmd 6.2.1

Easy to Reuse Configs Across Projects

One of the most requested features on the forum was to allow an easy way to copy and paste component config values between projects. In Architect 4.1, we’ve added import and export actions to the config panel. Now, you can import basic configs by pasting config values in JSON format in a textbox and applying them to a class. Similarly, you can export basic configs to the clipboard, and then you can copy those configs to other projects.

Architect 4.1 - Easy to Reuse Configs Across Projects

Improved Support for Grids

Architect 4.1 supports Row Widget and Header Resizer Grid plugins for apps using the Classic toolkit. For Modern toolkit based apps, Architect 4.1 supports the Row Expander Grid plugin. Similar to Classic apps, now there is support for Grid Builder in Modern apps, so you can auto-generate Grid View columns, store, model, editors, controller action, and mock data using Grid Builder.

Architect 4.1 - Improved Support for Grids

More Features and Performance Improvements

Architect 4.1 supports extend config for Controller and Model, so now you can extend those classes with Architect. There is support for the Tree Grid component in Modern apps. You can also run multiple instances of Architect on your computer. Architect 4.1 has an updated Electron packager, which delivers performance improvements and stability.

Try It and Share Your Feedback

Download Architect 4.1 today and give us your feedback in the forum. We look forward to reading your comments.

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