
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Proprietary vs. Open-Source JavaScript  UI Framework


When you set out to create a digital solution, whether it’s a website, software, web application, or mobile app, your journey will begin with a flood of decisions. Some of these will be straightforward and even enjoyable. Others will be so significant that they will have far-reaching consequences for your overall strategy.
One of the first and most important decisions you’ll need to make regarding your solution is what tools you’ll use to construct it. Should you utilize something free and adaptable, or should you buy something ready-made in a box? In the development world, this decision begins with a single choice: open-Source versus closed-source (or proprietary) software.
For years, the argument over open- versus closed-source software has raged on. Here are some facts and benefits of open and closed sources to assist you in making a more informed business decision.
Let’s get right to it!

What is open-source software?

Open source software
Open-source software is software that makes the source code available for anyone to view, edit, and improve.
“Source code” is a part of the software that most computer users never see; it is the code that computer engineers create to determine how a piece of software—a program or application—works. Programmers who have access to the source code of the software can improve it by adding features or fixing areas that don’t function properly.

What is closed-source (proprietary) software?

Close source software
Closed-source software is proprietary software with a licensing agreement for approved users that establishes private modification, copying, and republishing limitations.
In other words, the source code is not made available to the public for inspection or modification.
Closed source is the type of arrangement you’d anticipate from most firms who are protective of their products and want to preserve control over their brands and the user experience they provide to their clients. Consider Apple over Android.

What’s the difference between open-source software and other types of software?

Open-source vs other softwares
Some software contains source code that can be modified only by the individual, team, or organization that produced it and retains exclusive control over it. This type of software is referred to as proprietary or closed source.
Only the original developers of proprietary software have the legal right to copy, inspect, and modify it. And, in order to use proprietary software, computer users must promise (typically by signing a license shown the first time the software is installed) that they will not do anything with the software that the software’s makers have not specifically approved. Examples of proprietary software are Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.
Open vs closed software
Open-source software is unique. Its developers make its source code open to anybody who wants to examine, copy, learn from, edit, or distribute it. Open-source software includes LibreOffice and the GNU Image Manipulation Program.
Users must accept the terms of a license when using open-source software, just as they must with proprietary software, but the legal provisions of open-source licenses differ considerably from those of proprietary licenses.
Open-source licensing influences how individuals use, study, alter, and distribute software. In general, open-source licensing allows computer users to use open-source software for whatever purpose they want. Some open-source licenses, known as “copyleft” licenses, require anybody who distributes a modified open-source software to also provide the source code for that program. Furthermore, some open source agreements require anybody who modifies and distributes software to likewise provide the source code without charging a licensing fee.
Because they allow others to make changes to source code and incorporate those changes into their own projects, open-source software licenses encourage cooperation and sharing by design. They encourage computer programmers to use open-source software anytime they choose, as long as they allow others to do the same when they contribute their work.




Customization Options
Software is completely configurable, yet it is subject to the open-source license. Requires in-house expertise.
Requests for changes must be addressed to the firm that sells the program. This contains bug repairs, new features, and enhancements.
Anyone can study the source code. There is a popular belief that having more eyes on the code makes it more difficult for problems to survive. Security issues and weaknesses, on the other hand, may still exist and constitute a substantial danger.
Depending on the conditions of the service-level agreement (SLA), the firm distributing the program (i.e., the software owner) promises a particular degree of assistance. There may be security vulnerabilities because the source code is not available for scrutiny. If problems are discovered, it is the software distributor’s responsibility to resolve them.
Some open-source solutions are quite popular, often leading the industry (e.g., Linux, Apache).
Proprietary software is more popular in some businesses, especially if it has been on the market for a long time.
Interoperability with other open-source applications
This will vary depending on the group’s level of maintenance and aims, but it is usually preferable to closed-source software.
The development standards will determine this.




Community Involvement
The core of open source is that the community participates in the development, review, critique, and advancement of software.
The community is closed.
While open source is typically less user-friendly, this might vary depending on the project’s aims and the individuals responsible for its upkeep.
As a for-profit product, flexibility and user experience are frequently important factors, so the closed source is usually more user-friendly.
The total cost of ownership (TCO)
TCO is lower and more upfront owing to little or no usage costs, and it is determined by the degree of maintenance required.
The TCO is substantially greater and is determined by the number of users.
Upgrades or new features
If necessary, the user can create them.
The software owner must be contacted.
Considerations for financial institutions
The financial industry often avoids open-source solutions. If utilized, a screening procedure must be followed.
The majority of financial firms favor proprietary software.




Production environment suitability
In a large-scale production context, open-source software may not be well designed or tested technically
Most proprietary software is subjected to many rounds of testing. However, when implemented in a production setting, things might still go wrong.
license and usage fees are little to none.
The cost varies according to the size of the program.
No warranty is available.
Warranties are best for businesses with security policies that need a guarantee and liability indemnification.
Tax calculation
Tax calculations are difficult due to undefined monetary value.
Tax calculations are definite.

Doesn’t “open source” simply mean “free”?

Open source free or not
No. This is a prevalent misperception about what “open source” means, and the consequences of the notion go beyond economics.
Programmers can charge for open-source software that they build or contribute to. However, because an open-source license may force them to reveal their source code when selling software to others, some programmers find that charging consumers money for software services and support (rather than the product itself) is more profitable. As a result, their software stays free, and they earn money by assisting others in installing, using, and troubleshooting it.
While some open-source software is free, knowledge of developing and debugging open-source software may be quite valuable. Many employers especially look for programmers who have worked on open-source software.

What to consider when developing enterprise software

Developing enterprise software
Regardless of the application, the development framework is the core of all high-performing enterprise software. If you’re in charge of creating a new application, you’re probably thinking about open-source frameworks like React or Angular.
Now, open-source packages present a whole new set of challenges.

Security concerns:

Because enterprise apps handle sensitive data, you need to control the system’s accessibility and user authorization. You will have limited influence over the source contributions if you rely on open-source projects produced by a larger community.

Maintenance effort:

Enterprise software has unique needs. Unfortunately, due to the nature of thirdparty code, many open-source frameworks are not enterprise-ready for your specific usage. You’ll also have to make sacrifices in terms of the usual assistance your IT team demands.

Ease of use for user adoption:

Lack of UX skills or capacity makes it tough to create the best user experience unless your team has reusable UI components for each project.
Given the aforementioned considerations, you should use open-source frameworks with caution, especially in mission-critical contexts.

An ideal development framework should additionally offer:

Why choose a proprietary framework over open-source?

Proprietary framework over open-source
The easier it is to design and deploy apps, the more effectively you will be able to meet your consumers’ frequent feature requests. That is only one of the many benefits of closed-source frameworks.

Enterprise-grade security

Security is most likely the primary motivator for corporate adoption of closed-source software. Enterprise software requires regulated and authorized access to the source code.

Dedicated support and training resources

You won’t have to worry about wasting hours looking through manuals or discussion boards to discover solutions to your issues. If you use a commercial framework, the seller will offer you qualified assistance. Your use cases are also specifically addressed in the accessible guides and user manuals.

High code quality

The degree of quality control in open-source frameworks may not be as high as in commercial ones. Proprietary features allow you to completely customize software design for really specific demands, saving your team time on development while assuring the code is immediately usable after installation.
You will also receive a basic licensing agreement that includes indemnification and a warranty in addition to these advantages. This implies fewer difficulties related to compliance issues and opensource license restrictions.

Ext JS: A powerful UI JavaScript framework for enterprises

Ext JS is a JavaScript framework that provides a component library for the development of advanced client, cross-platform web applications. It is particularly well-suited to handling corporate applications with massive amounts of data. You’ll get access to over 140+ prebuilt UI components with Ext JS, including a form builder, calendar, tables, charts, and more. Additionally, you will be able to display and analyze data using Sencha Pivot Tables and a D3 adapter
Various other tools will help you deliver software with ease:
Let’s dive into some of the main benefits of Sencha Ext JS for developing custom software.
Benefits of Sencha Ext JS

Accelerate development speed and increase quality

Sencha Architect can help you create pixel-perfect user interfaces in less time. The code that is generated automatically is designed for maximum performance, so you can prevent errors while writing manually.
Sencha Cmd is an advanced command-line tool that offers a wide range of options, including code creation and minimization, dynamic package loading, and build generation for progressive web apps. You’ll like the automation options for Sencha Ext JS development activities like generating theme files, slicing and dicing pictures, and starting a development web server to run your code locally.

Beautiful UI for efficient prototyping

Sencha’s Themer helps improve the appearance and feel of your application in addition to the comprehensive UI component library. Ext JS 7 and later have a new, modern-looking Material Theme for Classic Toolkit, a design framework that describes visual components and the structure of an application, as well as possible interactions and the unified expression of attributes like color, shape, and motion.
Ext JS’s integration of tools is another productivity-enhancing feature. Everything you need to create bespoke web apps is conveniently found in one location.
Using open-source software frequently necessitates wading through a plethora of frameworks and libraries for each component, which may be time-consuming. The compatibility of Sencha components and extra tools, on the other hand, allows you to considerably accelerate the software-development process.

Robust data package

The framework includes a powerful package with several capabilities that can handle dataintensive applications:

Expert Assistance

Above all, Ext JS users can leverage the expertise of a dedicated Sencha support team for advisory services. With this service, there’s no need to spend countless hours sifting through forum threads to find a solution to your problem. Instead, you can rely on the insights and guidance of seasoned professionals who are well-versed in the intricacies of the Ext JS framework. With access to this trusted advisory service, users can be confident in their ability to leverage Ext JS to its full potential and achieve their business goals.

You can also join our Discord group or follow us on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn if you want to interact with other Ext JS developers.

Sencha’s Treasure Trove Component Library

Equip your global teams with the right components to build web applications faster.

Data Analytics and Management

Data Grid

Data Grid

Pivot Grid

Pivot Grid








Date & Time Panel

Date & Time Panel






FX/ Animations

FX/ Animations

Editing and Display Views​

WYSIWYG Froala Editor

WYSIWYG Froala Editor





Tabs & Menus

Tabs & Menus

Data View

Data View

Data Backend and Styling​

Data Components

Data Components



Layouts & Themes

Layouts & Themes

UX Components





Color Picker

Color Picker







Progress Bars

Progress Bars






Touch Events


Virtual Scroller

Data Visualization

Charts Visually represent complex data sets with a broad range of chart types
Line Charts

Line Charts

Area Charts

Area Charts

Bar Charts

Bar Charts

3D Bar Charts

3D Bar Charts

Box Plots

Box Plots

Column Charts

Column Charts

3D Column Charts

3D Column Charts

Bubble Charts

Bubble Charts

Scatter Charts

Scatter Charts

Financial Charts

Financial Charts

Gauge Charts

Gauge Charts

Pie Charts

Pie Charts

3D Pie Charts

3D Pie Charts

Radar Charts

Radar Charts

Combination Charts

Combination Charts

Navigator Line Chart

Navigator Line Chart

Plot Charts

Plot Charts

Stacked Charts

Stacked Charts

D3 Add sophisticated visualizations to create stunning representations from data
D3 Hierarchy maps

D3 Hierarchy maps

D3 Heatmap

D3 Heatmap

D3 Pivot heatmap

D3 Pivot heatmap

D3 Sunbursts

D3 Sunbursts

D3 Zoomable Sunbursts

D3 Zoomable Sunbursts

D3 Words

D3 Words

D3 Tree Map

D3 Tree Map

Custom SVG

Custom SVG

Custom Canvas

Custom Canvas


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