Teaching IT to Embrace Change: 9 Execs Share Advice
June 8, 2017—Be consistenly resilient to change – “The one thing I have come to realize after decades of working at home and abroad is the only constant is change – especially in the IT Industry. Some change we drive ourselves, but most change is completely out of our control. So, it is important to understand that how we react to the ‘out-of-our-control’ change is 100 percent under our control. Your ability to be flexible, adaptable, and, more importantly, consistently resilient to change is critical to your success in any career or path you take in life. As a CEO, I coach these skills in my organization by setting an example through my own actions. No matter what, I choose to react positively to change and try to drive it to my team’s advantage.” – Art Landro, CEO, Sencha