October 25, 2011—Sencha, provider of HTML 5 tools for web and mobile developers, received $15 million in a second round of funding led by Jafco Ventures. VentureBeat→
September 9, 2011—If you’re looking for a simple, smart and elegant online accounting solution for your small business, Xero has made its offering more enticing with the release of its iPhone app, Xero Touch, this week’s App of the Week. Business Insider→
September 8, 2011—Samsung will announce support for the Windows 8 tablet platform at next week’s Microsoft developer conference, insiders say, in an attempt to broaden its options beyond Android in its battle with Apple’s iPad for tablet sales. Apple Insider→
August 2, 2011—To help small businesses manage their finances on the fly, Xero has developed a free smartphone application for download from the Apple App Store.
Designed exclusively by Xero’s in-house development and design teams, Xero Touch is one of the new breed of hybrid apps built using Sencha Touch and packaged into an installable app using PhoneGap. It promises to deliver a simple workflow, with minimal effort required to input data into Xero. Dynamic Business→
June 1, 2011—The BlackBerry WebWorks platform that RIM rebranded and announced a bit back is really starting to coming into its own. Even before BlackBerry World I have see the platform grow and the BlackBerry PlayBook only helped it along. I have even been dabbling myself with a few apps that I created in the WebWorks SDK. The PlayBook browser really lets these apps shine with its faster processing speed but BlackBerry 7 should offer a similar experience.
April 27, 2011—Version 4 of Ext JS is the most comprehensive release in the history of the JavaScript library, according to Sencha, the vendor of the library. The firm bases this assessment on revisions made to the library’s architecture along with 350 new APIs, 50 new classes and completely revised documentation.
April 26, 2011—Sencha is releasing on Tuesday Ext JS 4, an upgrade to the company’s JavaScript framework that leverages plug-in-free charting technologies like SVG and VML instead of the Adobe Flash Player plugin. InfoWorld→
April 26, 2011—Looking to eliminate the need for plug-ins such as Flash, Sencha today released Ext JS 4, an upgrade to its JavaScript framework that enables developers to create charts and other drawings with a custom engine that works natively in the browser, according to Aditya Bansod, Sencha’s senior director of product management. SD Times→
April 26, 2011—Sencha’s HTML5-centric world has expanded this week with the arrival of Ext JS 4, the company’s biggest upgrade to its flagship JavaScript framework in two years. The cross browser framework’s new features include plug-in-free charting, customizable theming, as well as upgraded components.
April 26, 2011—Sencha plans to release Ext JS 4.0 today, bringing new features and some maturity to the software. Ext JS is a software foundation that lets programmers create Web sites that house active applications, not just static pages, that work not just on modern browsers but also on Microsoft’s ancient, despised, but still widely used IE6.