Sencha GPL Licensing
For developers that are willing to release the source code to their applications, Sencha provides an open source licensing option for these frameworks. To use this license, you must follow the terms of the GPL v3; see highlights below.
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL v3) Terms & Conditions
You can elect to use the GPL v3 license without paying a fee, provided you comply with GPLv3 license terms.
- If you create software that uses GPL, you must license that software under GPL v3 (see GPL FAQ), and
- If you create software that uses GPL, you must release your source code (see GPL FAQ), and
- If you create software that uses GPL, you cannot release your work on Apple’s App Store.
- If you start with a GPL license, you cannot convert to a commercial license simply by purchasing one.
You cannot include Sencha Ext JS or Sencha GXT in a closed source distribution under this license.
Additional information on open source licensing can be found in the Open Source FAQ.
Sencha’s current GPL policy for Ext JS is that major releases, such as 6.0, 7.0, and the first minor release immediately following a major release, such as 7.0.1, are available under GPL v3. All other releases, such as 6.5 and 6.5.1, are available to commercial license customers with current maintenance and support agreements. You can download the latest Ext JS GPL version by completing the form on the right and clicking on the download SDK button. (Sencha reserves the right to change its policy at any time and without notice.)
If you choose to pay for a Commercial License, you are not required to disclose your source code. If you would like to purchase a commercial license for Sencha products, visit the webstore or contact Sales.
If you have any questions or concerns about your use, please email