You can use any WebDriver hub to access remote browsers. Further, if you subscribe to Sauce Labs, a cloud-based service provider, you can run tests from Sencha Test directly on the many different configurations available from them. Individual browsers and devices may connect to Sencha Studio in order to become testing targets for the interactive test runner.
Licensing, Maintenance, and Support FAQs
How does Sencha Test work with Selenium?
Sencha Test leverages Selenium WebDriver (under the hood) to run tests on remote machines or with cloud-based browser farms including Sauce Labs. Customers can use Sencha Test with their existing WebDriver infrastructure.
How can I use my Ext JS code from within Sencha Test Studio?
Open your existing Ext JS application workspace from Studio, and you will be able to drill down to the code using the tree structure.
Do I need to use the Sencha Studio editor to write tests?
No. Sencha Studio provides a streamlined workflow for creating tests, but you may use another editor or IDE if desired.
Will Sencha Test be part of Ext JS Premium or is there a separate license?
No, Sencha Test is a standalone product and has its own license terms.
How is Sencha Test licensed?
The product has a term-based license which includes maintenance and support. It has 1, 2, or 3 year terms. You can purchase 1 year term from the webstore and 2 or 3 years can be purchased by contacting Sales.
Why does Sencha Test have a term-based license?
Enterprise software is turning to a term-based model. As a customer, you get more value from term-based licenses because you can vary the number of licenses based on your team size growing and shrinking.
Is there an option for a perpetual license?
No, Sencha Test is only available with a term-based license.
What kind of discounts are offered with Sencha Test?
When you buy a 2 year term license and pay in advance, you get a 5% discount. When you buy a 3 year term license and pay in advance, you get a 10% discount. You also get volume discounts if your purchase is more than $50,000. By signing up for a multi-year term, you can lock in the introductory pricing for up to three years.
Do I need a license for Ext JS to use Sencha Test?
Yes, if you are writing and running unit tests and doing application development, you need a license for Ext JS as well as for Sencha Test. Test automation engineers who are not doing any application development work do not need a license for Ext JS.
Do I need to buy a separate IDE to write tests?
No, that’s not necessary. Sencha Test has a built-in editor with code completion capabilities that helps you write tests much faster.
What kind of support is offered?
Sencha Support is included with all Sencha Test purchases, giving you access to our expert technical support team. Forty x-credits come with each seat that you buy.
Does Sencha offer training?
Yes. A comprehensive training program is available that addresses the basics of writing Jasmine tests and advanced, complex tests using Sencha Test.
What types of Professional Services do you offer?
Sencha test experts are available to consult with you and advise how to set up your test automation strategy. Our Web Application Testing Maturity Model is designed to guide you as you adopt web application testing into your software development lifecycle. Our services team can help you create and organize tests that are scalable and maintainable for the long term. Our team of experts can also help you to migrate existing tests into the Sencha Test framework.
My company will not use a public cloud infrastructure. How can I perform cross-browser testing with many different configuration options?
If you have an internal WebDriver infrastructure set up to run tests with Selenium, you can use that directly with Sencha Test to run tests. You simply provide the connection details in Sencha Test Studio, and the browsers will be listed on the Test Runner in Sencha Test Studio.
Which browsers does Sencha Test support?
On PC and Mac, Sencha Test supports the following browsers:
- Internet Explorer 8+
- Microsoft Edge
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari 6+
- Opera 15+
Which mobile browsers does Sencha Test support?
Sencha Test supports the following mobile browsers:
- IE10+ on Windows Phone 8+
- Chrome / Stock Browser on Android 4+
- Safari iOS 6+
Which versions of Ext JS are supported?
Ext JS 4.2 and above.
Which versions of Sencha Touch are supported?
Sencha Touch 2.1 and above. The Futures API in 1.0.0 does not support Sencha Touch. We plan to address shortly in upcoming maintenance releases.
Which version of Jasmine is used with Sencha Test?
Jasmine 2.4.1.