Fast Track to Ext JS 6.7 - Building Desktop Apps with Classic Toolkit
Learn to build great Ext JS 6 apps for desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This course focuses on using the Classic toolkit to build desktop applications.
This course provides in-depth coverage of Ext JS including: MVVM architecture, data binding, the class system, the data package, builds, and theming, as well as the rich suite of interface components, such as grids, forms, and charts.
Through intensive hands-on labs, you will learn application architecture best practices and build three applications that connect to live data feeds. You will build several applications from scratch:
- A simple Classic toolkit application that introduces key concepts
- An application that uses both the Classic and Modern toolkits
- A full-featured application that showcases using the Modern toolkit for both the desktop and mobile user interfaces
10 days
Your computer
You must bring your own laptop, Mac or PC.
- 10% off for registering online.
- 10% off for 2 developers.
- 20% off for 3-4 developers.
- 30% off for 5+ developers.
Course Outline
Introduction, Ext JS Features
What is an Application?
Writing a Classic toolkit only application starting with index.html, continue writing the application using Cmd
Writing a Universal Classic Toolkit and Modern Toolkit Application
Generate the initial application, fetch data, show thumbnails using a Classic toolkit dataview, style the view using Sass, refactor the app to allow a shared controller and view model, code the Modern toolkit list, group the data, use a Classic toolkit window, use a Modern toolkit navigation view
Writing code, prototyping and Sencha Fiddle, Cmd, debugging
Overview, application structure, creating objects, when to refactor code into types, the class system, organizing source
Components, containers, layouts and events, panels, toolbars and buttons, layouts, dialogs
View Controllers
Separation of concerns, component references, encapsulation, lifecycle methods
View Models
Structure, bindable, formulas, advanced comparison of events and binding
Sending and Receiving Data - fields, custom validator types, custom field types, associations, proxies, readers and writers; - creating stores, loading data, selecting records, filtering, CRUD, chained stores; Ext.AJAX;
Data-Aware Components
Templates, dataviews; Grids - column types, selection model, features, plugins, paging, pivot grid; Tree panels - tree stores, node interface, dynamic loading; Forms - Ext.form.field, examples, validation, inputType, form submission; Charts - axes, series, styling and interactions, calendar
Routes, mashup mixin, state, responsive design, static members, mixins, overrides
Going Into Production
Theming, localization, builds
Mobile Components
Navigation view, multimedia, lists, forms
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