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Announcing Ext JS 6.7 Visual Tooling Updates

March 13, 2019 150 Views

We’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS visual tooling updates that provide a faster way to develop great looking Ext JS 6.7 apps. The release of Architect 4.2.5 supports visually building apps, Themer 1.3.5 supports visually theming apps, and Inspector 6.0.3 supports visually inspecting Ext JS 6.7 apps.

Download Now

  • Download Architect, Themer and Inspector tools as part of a free 30-day Ext JS trial
  • Ext JS Customers: Download these newly released versions from the Support portal

Updates to Ext JS Framework and Community Edition

We recently released updates to the Ext JS Framework and Cmd – the Ext JS visual tooling releases support these latest updates. We are also happy to share that the latest Ext JS framework is available to the community as Ext JS 6.7 Community Edition.

What’s New

Visually Build with Architect 4.2.5

Sencha Architect is used widely by Ext JS developers who enjoy developing apps visually. With Sencha Architect 4.2.5, developers are able to assemble their Ext JS 6.7 applications with the drag and drop of components. From there, Architect automatically generates code for the app. The auto generated code adheres to the latest standards and best practices. Sencha Architect 4.2.5 provides support for apps with the following components:

  • Grid Filtering – Easily display grid records that meet multiple criterias of text, boolean, date, number filters
  • Locking Grid – Similar to Excel, lock columns in left or right region
  • Multiselect Combobox – Combobox with the ability to select multiple chips
  • Multiselect Select – Easily select multiple values in the select field
  • Color Picker – Beautiful color picker with HSVA and RGB options
ExtAngular Grid Filtering

Sencha Architect – Adding Grid Filter Plugin

Visually Theme with Themer 1.3.5

Sencha Themer is used by designers and developers responsible for creating designs that are inspiring, engaging and exciting. Themer 1.3.5 support visually creating Ext JS 6.7 themes, packages and UIs. This is important as creating themes for web apps is not a trivial task. It requires you to configure a large number of component variables to give your app a distinct look and feel.

ExtAngular Grid Filtering

Sencha Docs – New Chip Component Theme variables

Themer makes creating themes easy by providing graphical tools to help in building themes, and since these themes are portable so that you can reuse them from one app to another. Since you are designing themes in an interactive visual environment without coding, theme creation is easy for developers and designers who do not usually write Sass code.

ExtAngular Grid Filtering

Sencha Themer – Styling Check Column

Visually Inspect with Inspector 6.0.3

Sencha Inspector helps Ext JS developers inspect their apps and review app performance. Inspector 6.0.3 helps in visually inspecting Ext JS 6.7 app component trees, as well as debugging data binding where Inspector will analyze the data bindings on selected components and highlight keys whose bound values are not found. Inspector will reveal component over-nesting which may create performance issues. Inspector also helps discover issues with stores, proxies and more to see why server side data is not showing up in the app.

ExtAngular Grid Filtering

Sencha Inspector – Component Tree of Demo App

Try It and Share Your Feedback

We’re excited about these releases and hope you enjoy building great looking Ext JS 6.7 apps with Architect, Themer and Inspector. To learn more, read the docs and then try out the latest versions of the tools. We look forward to reading your comments and feedback in the Sencha Tools forum.

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