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Giving Thanks–A Reward Program for Our MVPs

November 26, 2019 118 Views

Earlier this month, we announced our partnership with StackOverflow as the new platform for Sencha forums. We are very excited about this transition as our partnership will enrich the ecosystem and improve the quality of content available to our users, while paving the path to providing faster support to our active customers.   

As a community hosted forum on StackOverflow, we look to our experienced Sencha engineers and MVPs to encourage collaborative knowledge sharing to foster an active and strong Sencha forum. We would like to recognize our active contributors who passionately share their expertise with a small reward program. Read on for more details.

MVP Reward Program

Monthly Rewards

At the end of each month (beginning Dec 2019 continuing through CY 2020), we will capture and reward the top StackOverflow forum answers for that month applicable to the following product tags: [extjs], [extreact], [extangular], [extwebcomponents].

Rewards include $100/$50/$25/$10 Amazon gift cards + Sencha swag (T-shirts, socks) + bragging rights!




Besides gaining reputation with the Q&As, StackOverflow offers ‘badges’ to helpful users. There will be three levels of badges users can earn based on their involvement in specific Sencha product tags. 

  • Gold: >=1000 total score for >=200 non-community wiki answers
  • Silver: >=400 total score for >=80 non-community wiki answers
  • Bronze: >=100 total score for >=20 non-community wiki answers 

Our tag category is: [extjs], [extreact], [extangular], [extwebcomponents]

Badge winners will receive even higher amount rewards ($250-$300 Amazon gift cards or more + cool Sencha swag)!

Monthly and badge leader-board winners will be recognized via social media and other channels!


StackOverflow leaderboards make it easy to see the top answerers in each category. Bookmark these for quick access.

Ext JS Leaderboard  

ExtAngular Leaderboard 

ExtReact Leaderboard 

ExtWebComponents Leaderboard


A Heartfelt Thank You

A huge part of our success is accredited to the contributions of our dedicated MVPs and valuable customers who are key to cultivating a growing Sencha community. We’re super excited to be able to roll out a program that recognizes our active contributors!

If you have any questions about this reward program, leave us a comment here or contact us.

coming soon

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