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Sencha Architect 4.2 is Now Generally Available

June 7, 2017 120 Views

We’re excited to announce that Sencha Architect 4.2 is now generally available, providing support for Ext JS 6.5 and Sencha Cmd 6.5. With Architect 4.2, you can drag and drop new components from Ext JS 6.5, develop using ES6, and import themes from Themer 1.2 – enabling you to quickly build business-critical web applications.

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What’s New in Architect 4.2

Visually Build Ext JS 6.5 Apps with New Components, Plugins, and Configs

Ext JS 6.5 delivers some amazing new capabilities for the Modern toolkit, so you can deliver rich experiences for mobile and desktop. With Sencha Architect 4.2, you can visually build Ext JS apps with new configs and plugins for Grid, Tree, and Pivot Grid. You can drag and drop new components including Dialog and Date Panel into your applications. You can use virtual store to manage and seamlessly scroll through massive datasets. Using Grids, you can now allow users to select rows, cells, or columns very similar to the way you do in Microsoft Excel. Each of these selection modes is now configurable using the simple new selectable config, as shown in the example below.

Sencha Architect - Visually Build Ext JS 6.5 Apps with New Components, Plugins, and Configs

Develop Ext JS Apps Using the Latest ES6 Code

Architect 4.2 now supports Sencha Cmd 6.5, so you can write code using arrow functions, the let keyword, object de-structuring, and many of the cool new features in ES6. As you save an Architect project, Cmd compiles your code to run everywhere. Under the covers, Cmd 6.5 uses Google’s Closure Compiler to transpile your code. Architect 4.2 comes with an updated code view editor to support ES6, as shown in the example below.

Sencha Architect - Develop Ext JS Apps Using the Latest ES6 Code

Create Beautiful Apps with 300+ New Theme Variables and Import Themes from Themer 1.2

With more than 300+ new Sass variables, you can create amazing-looking applications with Ext JS 6.5. All of these new Sass variables are available directly in Architect 4.2. We recently released Themer 1.2, which supports all of the theme variables and new components in Ext JS 6.5. With Architect 4.2, you can easily import themes created using Themer 1.2, as shown in example below.

Sencha Architect - Create Beautiful Apps with 300+ New Theme Variables and Import Themes from Themer 1.2

More Features and Performance Improvements

Architect 4.2 has an updated Electron packager (version 1.6.2), which delivers performance improvements and stability. There are a number of other enhancements such as a new Modern project example, the ability to import an offline license, a better upgrade path from Modern 6.2 to 6.5 with warnings about deprecated events. For more details, please read the What’s New in Architect 4.2 guide.

Try It and Share Your Feedback

Download Architect 4.2 today and share your feedback in the forum. We look forward to reading your comments.

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