Sencha Test works well with tests written using Jasmine 2.0 and above. Through a Professional Services engagement, we can use Sencha Studio to help you leverage existing tests that are built for Jasmine releases earlier than 2.0.
Licensing, Maintenance, and Support FAQs
Which version of Istanbul is supported for code coverage?
Istanbul 0.4.1.
Which CI systems is Sencha Test integrated with?
TeamCity and Jenkins, and the command line interface should make it easy to use in other systems.
How can Sencha Test unit tests be integrated from IDEs such as IntelliJ, Eclipse, and Visual Studio?
Files generated by Sencha Test are JavaScript files that can be checked into a source control repository. Once the setup is established, these files can be leveraged from any IDE and used for writing tests.
Does Sencha Test use PhantomJS? And if so, are any memory problems encountered?
No, Sencha Test doesn’t use PhantomJS but you can run tests using PhantomJS via WebDriver.
Which Sencha Test features are available to debug tests?
Tests can use the “debugger” statement which will initiate a debugging session in the browser.
Does Sencha Test code coverage support conditionals and branches?
Yes. Code coverage can be used at the Statements, Branches, Functions and Lines levels.
Does Sencha Test work for testing packages too or only apps?
You will be able test both apps and packages. Sencha Cmd 6.1 provides additional support to simplify package-level testing in Sencha Test. With older versions of Sencha Cmd, you will need to create a test page and direct Sencha Test to use that URL. Alternatively you could create a test application (using Cmd) and write tests in that application.
I’m a Consultant/Systems Integrator that is doing work for a customer with Sencha Ext JS and Sencha GXT. Do I need a license? Does my customer need a license?
Yes, either you or your customer will need to purchase licenses for the framework.
Generally, your customer must purchase enough licenses to cover your developers and any of their developers updating or maintaining the application. For example, if you use 6 developers to create the application and your customer will support the application with 3 developers, then they would need to purchase 9 licenses, which would cover all the developers.
Alternatively, if you purchased licenses for your consultancy prior to the development, you can assign them to your customer by notifying Sencha and following any other conditions for an assignment included in the license agreement. So in the same example, if you use 6 developers to create the application and your customer will support the application with 3 developers, you could transfer two of the licenses to your customer if you had already purchased them.
Independent Consultants may purchase fewer than 5 licenses of Ext JS, GXT, or Test on behalf of a named client provided the consultant meets the eligibility requirements. You can also buy a single developer license(s) with an annual subscription for Sencha Ext JS and Sencha GXT.
How are Sencha products licensed?
Sencha Ext JS, Sencha GXT, and Sencha Touch are licensed under three options: a commercial license, a commercial OEM license, and an open source license (GPL V3). Sencha Architect is available as part of the Ext JS Pro and Premium packages. To find out which option is right for you, read more about the appropriate use cases for each of these three licenses in the questions above. Sencha Test is licensed on a term-based model.
When do I need a commercial OEM license?
Some uses of Sencha Ext JS and GXT require an OEM license rather than Sencha’s standard license (more detail here). Please read the license agreement under the Prohibited Use or contact a Sencha Sales Representative for more information on when an OEM is needed. Since use cases vary widely, commercial OEM licenses are customized per customer. Contact us to learn more about this option. Full license details are available in our Legal section.
Can I start my development with a GPLv3 version and then buy a commercial license before I want to release my application?
No, the terms of our commercial license do not allow this. You must choose which license you wish to use (commercial or GPLv3) at the beginning of your development lifecycle.
I purchased Ext JS 5.x and a support subscription, but my support subscription has expired. How can I get rights to the latest version of Ext JS?
You can renew your support for your Ext JS license now (which will be backdated to the expiry date), and you will obtain the rights to the latest version of Ext JS during the term of your support subscription. To renew your support subscription, email for a quote.
I’m under contract to build an application for my customer. At the end of the project, I will deliver the software to my customer. My customer will own the intellectual property (IP) for the software. Who needs to purchase a commercial license, my customer or do I need to?
If you meet all of the Independent Consultant Program eligibility requirements, you can purchase fewer than 5 licenses of any Sencha product on behalf of a named client and transfer the licenses to them upon project completion. Alternatively, the client may purchase the licenses, transfer the rights to your organization to develop the application and you would transfer the rights back to the client upon project completion.
I have 3 developers, do I need a license that covers up to 5 developers?
For Ext JS or GXT, you can purchase less than 5 licenses under our Single Developer Subscription License (annual subscription) program.
For Sencha Test, yes, you will need to purchase a license that covers up to 5 developers unless you meet all of the Independent Consultant Program eligibility requirements, where you can purchase fewer than 5 licenses of Ext JS, GXT, or Test on behalf of a named client. The licenses allow you and your team to to use the software to create and/or test applications, provision their tech support entitlements and also grants distribution rights for the software/applications you have created. If you do not meet the Independent Consultant Program eligibility requirements, you must purchase a license which covers up to 5 developers. As your team grows, you’ll have up to two more licenses as your developers need them, without any additional processing.
I have a team of 8 developers that need to be licensed with Ext JS, can I buy 8 licenses or do I need to buy two 5 packs of Ext JS?
You can buy 8 licenses of Ext JS through our store.
What credit cards do you accept?
We accept American Express, Master Card, Visa, Discover, and JCB credit cards. We also accept PayPal.
Will you send me a sales receipt?
We are happy to send a sales receipt on request. When emailing us to confirm your order, please indicate that you would like a sales receipt, and include the billing contact information that should be included on it (contact name, company name if applicable and address).
When should I use a commercial license?
If you’re going to build a commercial application with Sencha products, you must write your application code under the commercial license from the beginning of the application development process.
Do I need to renew my license every year?
If you purchased a 5 pack or more of Ext JS and/or GXT licenses, those are perpetual. However, you must renew your Maintenance and Support Agreement on an annual basis. Sencha Test is a term-based license, and you can extend the term after the initial term expires.
If you have purchased Single Developer Subscription licenses, you will need to renew your subscription to develop applications. Your annual subscription includes maintenance and support. Distribution and End User use rights are perpetual. Further development rights require annual renewal.