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Free ExtReact & ExtAngular Training

February 26, 2019 130 Views

React and Angular are both popular JavaScript frameworks that offer a component-based approach to building web apps. However, React and Angular do not include any pre-built components. Many apps require trees, menus, grids, charts, forms, and other components to deliver the functionality their users need. React and Angular developers are faced with the choice of either building these components from scratch or getting them from the community.

Building robust, beautiful components that perform well on all devices and platforms is a time-consuming and costly undertaking. Supporting and maintaining those components over the life of your app as browsers and language standards evolve adds even more work.
Fortunately, the React and Angular communities are quite large, so there are many pre-built components available. Using components from the open source community, however, introduces some risks and challenges. Release timelines, maintainer commitment, and overall quality vary greatly from project to project. Furthermore, as React and Angular are updated, you may run into some incompatibility issues. As many of you know, juggling various component libraries can be a nightmare. The best way to mitigate this problem is to get as many of the components from as few libraries as possible.

The Good News: you can easily integrate our complete set of 115+ robust Ext JS components into your React or Angular apps.

Join our free upcoming training sessions to learn how to build an ExtReact or ExtAngular application. We’ll explain what’s different from the Ext JS application build process and you’ll see how you can save development time using our robust component library with your React or Angular apps.

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