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Ext JS

Developing Mobile Applications with and Sencha Touch – Part 1

Overview If you are a or Sencha developer, you already understand the power and leverage of using a framework-based approach for building applications. You know from first-hand experience how patterns, pre-built functionality, metadata driven configuration, and a robust and…

Ext JS

Introducing Sencha Complete: Team

Today we’re excited to announce the availability of our newest bundle, Sencha Complete: Team. Over the last couple of years, we’ve been working hand in hand with our customers as they use Sencha products to make more complex and mission…

Ext JS

Automating Unit Tests

One of the first questions I always hear when starting with a new client is “How can I build unit tests for my application?” It’s obvious that many people understand the benefits of unit tests—developers want to minimize the number…

Ext JS

Extensions, Extensions, Extensions

Extensions provide developers with valuable features beyond those that ship in Sencha's frameworks, and are a very important part of the Sencha platform. At Sencha, we are investing to improve the ecosystem of extensions on our platform and I wanted…

Ext JS

Ext JS 4.1 Performance

In this article, we will review several factors that affect performance of an Ext JS application. Network latency which affects initial startup time heavily, but also data store load time. CSS processing. JavaScript execution. DOM manipulation. Network Latency To minimize…

Ext JS

HelloWorld with Ext JS 4

Guest Blog Post: Samuel Asher Rivello of Rivello Multimedia Consulting (RMC). For readers who are new to Sencha but coming from a Flex background, this guest blog post provides useful context and reference to familiarize yourself with how Flex concepts…

Ext JS

Deft JS: Loosely Coupled MVC through Dependency Injection

Guest Blog Post: John Yanarella of Universal Mind That application you just deployed? As experienced software developers, we all know it won’t be long before you’re going to need make to significant UI changes. Regardless of the amount of painstaking…

Ext JS

Behind the Sencha Command Utility and the Build Process

The Sencha command utility is a cross-platform command line tool that helps make it easier than ever to develop applications with Sencha Touch 2. The tool consists of many useful automated tasks around the full lifecycle of your applications, from…

Ext JS

Sencha Company Update

Our big news this month is that we've successfully shipped two major product upgrades in the last few weeks, including Sencha Architect 2 and Ext JS 4.1. Congratulations both to the product teams and to the community members whose input…

coming soon

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