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The Sencha command utility is a cross-platform command line tool that helps make it easier than ever to develop applications with Sencha Touch 2. The tool consists of many useful automated tasks around the full lifecycle of your applications, from…
Today we're releasing Sencha Touch 2 beta 2, which contains around 100 enhancements, examples, and bug fixes based on your feedback from last week's beta 1. We've been really energized by all your positive feedback on beta 1 and would…
We're constantly updating the Sencha Learn section with new content, here is some great content you might have missed: h3. New Tutorials for Ext JS 4 and Sencha Touch 2 With the preview of Sencha Touch 2 available, it is…
Traditionally, cross-browser styling has been a time consuming and tedious task. With the rise of modern browsers and the introduction of CSS3, we can finally create beautiful cross-browser interfaces using a simple syntax. We show you how with the new…
Brand new to Ext JS 4.0 is a class Loader system that makes use of the new dependency system. These two powerful new features allow you to create extensive applications that allow the browser to download digest code as necessary.…
The scalability, maintainability and flexibility of an application is mostly determined by the quality of the application's architecture. Unfortunately, it's often treated as an afterthought. Proofs of concept and prototypes turn into massive applications, and example code is copied and…
Developing an interactive and flexible resource scheduler in Ext JS is a bit of a challenge since there is a lot of complexity hidden in this type of widget. Depending on the context in which it’s used, different requirements emerge.…
XTemplates are are a powerful feature in Ext GWT. Prior to 3.0, XTemplates have been implemented using the same design and code as Ext JS. For 3.0, we decided we would like to replace the Ext JS JavaScript-based implementation with…
In the recent months leading up to the Ext JS 4 Preview and Beta releases, we have all been exposed to the mouth watering features that 4.0 brings to the developer tool belt. Improved packages such as the Grid, Form,…
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