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Ext JS 5 introduced support for components in grid cells using the new “widgetcolumn”. At the same time, Ext JS 5 introduced a new type of lightweight component called a “Widget”. There are several widgets included in Ext JS 5,…
ExtraParams in Ext JS 5 by Greg Barry Ext JS 4 allowed users to append extraParams directly to a connection like so: Ext.Ajax.extraParams = { foo: "bar" }; Due to changes in the Ext JS 5 data package, this is…
Guest Blog Post Omniscient is a leading supplier of consulting services for Sencha Touch and Ext JS across Asia and the Americas. Our LIQUIDICE product is a Liquidity and Payments Management Application for corporate treasuries in large organizations, and we…
Introduction When extending the functionality of a framework class, you generally write the new functionality directly into the derived class. However, if you need that same functionality to exist in multiple components, the most efficient option may be to define…
In last week’s webinar, Analyzing the ROI of JavaScript in Enterprise Software Development, we discussed the requirements for building enterprise applications and highlighted some of the challenges commonly faced by our own customers. We also examined how choosing a JavaScript…
Removing Grid Cell Focus by Greg Barry As of Ext JS 5.0.1, we’ve added some significant improvements regarding Accessibility and ARIA support. While we do encourage users to use these new additions, we understand that the default style may not…
Introduction Developers have been using PhoneGap (and subsequently Cordova) to deploy hybrid mobile applications since 2009, when it was first created. By allowing web applications to run on native devices, the HTML5 community fully embraced PhoneGap and thousands of apps…
Over the last five years, there has been an explosion of innovation in both web and native technologies. With the rapid release of libraries, frameworks and tools, developers now have many options to create applications for this new world. But,…
A few months ago, Sencha released a package of connectors that combined the power of Sencha Touch with the capabilities of Windows Azure cloud services. The Sencha Touch Extensions for Windows Azure made building mobile cloud applications both easy and…
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