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Using the GWT Compiler for Better Builds

Many of us use Sencha GXT and GWT to help our teams produce structured, powerful, and maintainable web applications. With Dev Mode and Super Dev Mode, we can easily write Java and test how it behaves in the browser. The…


Announcing Sencha Blink 1.0

Today we’re pleased to announce the first release of Sencha Blink, a cross platform UI toolkit for the coming wave of spectacle-based devices. Sencha Blink offers a full set of display components, fully abstracted eye events (using the new W3C…

Cmd Support in Sencha Cmd

Introduction is a backend-as-a-service, providing a set of APIs that helps developers to build and run their applications. It enables you to build web applications using services provided through our mobile JavaScript framework Sencha Touch. Sencha Cmd is a…


Creating Development Standards in the Enterprise

As a member of the Sencha Professional Services team, I spend most of my time directly interacting with our larger enterprise customers. Our team offers a wide variety of expert services, and in many cases, we spend weeks working side-by-side…


Sencha Company Update

We’ve had a great few months here at Sencha. We’ve shipped a bunch of new product upgrades, moved into a great new space here in the Bay Area, and had some pretty awesome entries in our “HTML5 is Ready” app…


Sencha Architect 2.2: Better, Faster, Stronger

Yesterday, we announced new versions of Sencha Architect and Ext JS. We gave a brief summary of Architect 2.2 new features in our Sencha March Madness blog post, and today we want to dive deeper into all of the improvements…

Ext JS

mzPivotGrid: A pivot table for Ext JS

Guest Blog Post At mzSolutions, I work on creating components for Ext JS and Sencha Touch. In this post, I will show you how to use mzPivotGrid with Sencha Ext JS. What is a pivot grid? The Ext JS grid…


Sencha March Madness

It’s not everyday we release two product updates and launch a new bundle in one fell swoop, but today is not an ordinary day. We’re very excited to announce the release of Sencha Architect 2.2, Sencha Ext JS 4.2, and…


Announcing the HTML5 is Ready App Contest Winners

Wow, we were impressed and amazed, and, frankly, a little overwhelmed by the entries to the HTML5 is Ready App Contest! We got hundreds of great submissions, so it took a bunch of work by myself, the other four judges,…

coming soon

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