Announcing Ext JS 5.1.1: Improving Your Dev Experience
It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Sencha Ext JS 5.1.1. Although this is a minor release, some notable new features and several bug fixes will enhance your Ext JS 5.1 applications and improve your development experience. We’d like to thank our customers and the Sencha community members, who have been patiently waiting for Ext JS 5.1.1.
The following new features were added to Ext JS 5.1.1:
- A ‘LazyItems’ plugin defers the instantiation and initialization of unrendered item child components
- Grid cell editors now support Ext.Widget classes as editors
- Axis and series in charts support named listeners
- Border layout splitters support keyboard interaction for accessibility
- XML Reader uses a ‘keepRawData’ config to discard its ‘rawData’, avoiding memory leaks that may be caused in IE by holding XML documents
Sencha Ext JS 5.1.1 comes with more than 300 bug fixes, primarily around grids, forms, data, charts, and the core package. Please refer to the release notes for a complete list of fixes in Ext JS 5.1.1. You can also refer to for the latest guides and API documents.
Download Now – Existing customers can log in to the Support portal to download Ext JS 5.1.1
Buy Now – New customers get Ext JS 5.1.1 with their purchase
Try It For Free – Developers new to Sencha frameworks can evaluate Ext JS 5.1.1 for 30 days
As always, we’re grateful to our customers and the Sencha community for the continuous feedback, feature requests, and bug reports. We’re excited to hear how this release improves your Ext JS 5.1 apps. Try it out and share your feedback in the forums.
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