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Announcing Sencha Ext Community Edition

November 6, 2018 124 Views

Over the last year, our community has expressed an important need: aspiring JavaScript developers need access to simple, modern tools so they can build great-looking cross-platform enterprise applications more easily and quickly. Well you’ve spoken, and we’ve heard you!

We’re excited to announce the release of Sencha Ext JS Community Edition (CE) that provides a core framework, hundreds of modern components, material theme, open tooling, and much more with a limited commercial use license for free – view the full terms here.

Ext JS CE is a great choice for students, hobbyists, freelance developers, startups and nonprofits to learn and create applications using the Ext JS framework and components. It’s perfect for people who are learning new programming languages, starting to develop cross-platform web apps, maintaining open source JavaScript projects, or learning the Ext JS framework.

With the Ext JS CE, you get a comprehensive JavaScript framework with 100+ components, which you can seamlessly migrate to a commercial license with support when your revenues exceed $10,000 (see license agreement for details).

It’s a perfect solution for early stage startups and other organizations with limited capital. You can develop your professional app with confidence, knowing that Community Edition provides the tools and resources you need to grow, as you need them.

Download Ext JS Community Edition

  • Download the Sencha Ext JS Community Edition for free
  • Follow this tutorial and create beautiful Ext JS application
  • See examples of all Ext JS UI components
  • For more detailed information, check out our robust Ext JS API documentation
  • Read the Ext JS community edition FAQ

Highlights of Ext JS Community Edition

  • Core framework to build cross-platform enterprise web apps
  • Hundreds of modern components including Modern Grid with features such as spreadsheet selection, cell editing
  • Comprehensive Data package – easily create data analysis apps with virtual store to manage and seamlessly scroll through massive datasets
  • Material theme to create beautiful apps
  • Open tooling to generate and build starter apps
  • Support for npm, WebPack and Babel
  • Access to hosted npm repository
  • Example apps – Tutorial and guides
  • Stencils – a complete UI asset toolkit to design your apps
  • Fiddle – online utility for creating, running, and sharing Ext JS code examples
  • What’s in Ext JS Community Edition

    Ext JS core framework to build cross-platform enterprise web apps

    The Ext JS Community edition provides you a complete framework with Ext JS core, hundreds of modern components, Material theme, and open tooling to build amazing web applications.

    What’s Included in Ext JS Community Edition

    What’s Included in Ext JS Community Edition

    Hundreds of modern components including Modern Grid

    Ext JS includes the industry’s most comprehensive collection of pre-integrated and tested high-performance UI components. These components include grids,trees, lists, forms, menus, toolbars, panels, windows, and much more. The Ext JS Grid is one of the most popular components that supports inline cell editing as well as form-based row editing, group headers and selectable config that allows users to select data as they would in Microsoft Excel.

    Ext JS Grid

    Ext JS Grid

    Comprehensive data package to manage massive datasets

    The Ext JS Grid includes a virtual store that allows you to create grids and lists that render and scroll through extremely large datasets. The virtual store loads only the pages needed by the grid. When combined with the List component’s infinite config, which is on by default in grids, only a small portion of these loaded records are rendered to the DOM. These optimizations ensure that the browser performs well for the user regardless of the amount of data you are presenting.

    Ext JS Forms with input masking and advanced validation

    Ext JS Forms with input masking and advanced validation

    Material theme to create beautiful apps

    Ext JS components are available with Material as built-in themes. The Material theme is easily customizable to reflect a specific brand identity. Material theme exposes hundreds of variables used by Ext JS, which can be altered to design custom themes.

    Ext JS Kitchensink app with Mocha Pop style

    Ext JS Kitchensink app with Mocha Pop style

    Open tooling to generate and build your first starter apps

    Ext JS open tooling will help you with code generation, build integration and workspace management. ExtGen is a new powerful tool that will help you quickly create new applications using Ext JS npm packages. ExtGen provides multiple new templates to help you build mobile, desktop, and minimal applications. You can also use your own template to create new Ext JS applications.

    Support for latest in web technology tools with npm, WebPack and Babel

    JavaScript tooling is evolving to create web apps on faster timelines, with improved quality and maintainability. npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry, hosting a repository of 700,000+ JavaScript based code packages that developers can use in their applications. Ext JS uses the latest in web technology tooling with Ext JS npm packages, node-based cross-platform command line tooling and Babel-based toolchain to support the latest JavaScript standards. Any applications generated will use the WebPack development server so that any changes to the app will be immediately reflected in the browser.

    Access to hosted npm repository

    The Ext JS framework, components and themes are available as npm packages hosted in the npm repository. Ext JS developers can execute simple commands to add a package to their project, manage dependencies, and manage versions of packages being used. They can also easily include third-party JavaScript libraries in Ext JS applications.

    For example, you can easily add the Ext JS Tree Grid npm package to your project with the following command

    npm i --save @sencha/ext-modern-treegrid

    Ext JS Tree Grid

    Ext JS Tree Grid

    Example apps – Tutorial and guides

    Ext JS provides a “Quick Start” tutorial that demonstrates how to build a custom music video preview player by drawing public data from the iTunes website, specifically the top videos of latest period rating. Users can build an application that has:

    • A landing page using Ext JS TabPanel component
    • A custom table of videos using a Grid component in Ext JS
    • A collection of custom styled thumbnails using a Dataview component in Ext JS

    Each tab allows for the rendering of a 30-second video preview in a hovering modal window using a Dialog component in Ext JS, whether clicking on a thumbnail from the Dataview or a record from the Grid.

    Create Ext JS app using Quick Start tutorial

    Create Ext JS app using Quick Start tutorial

    Stencils – a complete UI asset toolkit to design your apps

    Sencha Stencils is a free complete UI asset kit that works with Ext JS. Stencils are provided for Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Balsamiq and are also available as SVG/PNG for use with other programs. Stencils contains all of the components and styles used in the Ext JS framework.

    Fiddle – online utility for creating, running and sharing Ext JS code examples

    Sencha Fiddle provides an online IDE along with a view of your running example without the overhead of setting up a local environment. You can use Sencha Fiddle with Ext JS and try Ext JS code in your browser without downloading or installing anything. You can also easily share your Ext JS code by saving and sharing fiddle URLs.

    Download and Share Your Feedback

    We’re looking forward to seeing the awesome web applications you create with Ext JS CE and look forward to reading your feedback in the Ext JS forum and survey.

coming soon

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