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Assembla brings secure software development to the Idera, Inc. family

December 12, 2018 108 Views

Today we are excited to bring you more information about one of Idera’s most recent acquisitions, Assembla.

Assembla is the global standard for scalable and secure source code management. Spinning up code repositories on demand or utilizing our world-class project management, Assembla customers have an end-to-end managed version control solution.

Assembla is a mission critical component to getting software developed and shipped. Assembla also owns and operates MyGet, a secure universal package manager that allows you to easily manage your build services along with your repositories. MyGet integrates with your existing source code ecosystem and enables end to end package management.

Sencha + MyGet

As a MyGet customer dating back to before the acquisition, Sencha is particularly excited to welcome Assembla to the Idera family. Now that Assembla and MyGet are here, we thought it would be a great time to tell you how we use MyGet internally, and share a special discount for Sencha users.

We sat down with Brandon Donnelson, Sencha’s Product Architect, to get his thoughts on why he chose Assembla before the acquisition:

“At Sencha, we host our framework in NPM and Maven repositories. We’ve set up hosted instances on a cloud service where we do all the maintaining. We use one of the open source NPM repositories, but what we’ve found with hosting our own hosted binary system is that the software gets out of date, security issues crop up, and it’s hard to scale. This was starting to consume more budget and I.T. hours. This isn’t our business. We’d rather be putting our effort into other meaningful activities that make our business better”, he said.

Brandon went on.

“We started looking at hosted binary solutions and MyGet floated to the top with its price and features offered. With all of the MyGet benefits standing out, it was easy to convince business management to give it a try with our up and coming release of Ext JS Community Edition.”

“We bit the bullet and started moving our packages onto the MyGet platform, and wow, was it easy to do! Right off, there was no server management, no more editing custom code, there was no figuring out auth system, there was basically not much to do, just login and push. Not long after we started pushing packages to the first npm instance, which is called a feed on MyGet, we realized it was easy to set up other feeds and started hosting even more on the platform. Now that we’ve tested our appetite with appetizers, we want to move all of our hosted binaries over to MyGet, from NPM to Maven.”

“There were some hidden benefits, too. After we released our product, it became clear that having hosted on MyGet, when customer issues came up it was far easier and faster to support. Meaning happier customers because we can make it work sooner than later. It won’t be long before we move our Maven repositories and commercial NPM repositories over to the new system. We look forward to making it easier for customers to use.”

Want to experience MyGet for yourself?

Claim your MyGet free trial and limited-time discount today! Use code ASMB30 to get 30% off all annual plans.

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