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Android–Ice Cream Sandwich: The HTML5 Developer Scorecard

December 13, 2011 197 Views

Samsung Galaxy Nexus
As part of our continuing series, we ran the new Galaxy Nexus through our tests to see how it stacks up as an HTML5 app platform.

As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile platforms, today we’re taking a look at the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, the first device to ship with Android 4.0, aka Ice Cream Sandwich. We’ve been hearing rumors over the last few months about the “involvement”: of the Chrome team in Android 4, so we had our hopes up that the browser would be a major step forward. In the past, we’ve reviewed Android 2.x (Gingerbread) devices, like the “Galaxy Tab”: and Android 3 (Honeycomb) devices, and the “Motorola Xoom”: –and have been disappointed by the performance and correctness of the browsers.

Ice Cream Sandwich is a major step forward for the Android Browser, but still falls short of iOS 5.”

After putting the Galaxy Nexus through our test wringer, we can say that Ice Cream Sandwich is a major step for the Android browser. However, it still falls short of iOS 5. It’s a solid browser for normal page browsing and it adds major new features that support most of the HTML5 spec. It also has taken a big step forward in correctness of rendering, which is a welcome change for people who want to push their mobile browsers to the limit.

h3. Our First-Look “Methodology”

Our HTML5 scorecard consists of a series of tests aimed to help mobile web developers understand new devices and new form factors as they come to market. We test in a number of areas, namely JavaScript performance, HTML5/CSS3 features, rendering performance and rendering accuracy. To get there, we use a variety of tests, including Modernizer, Acid3, SunSpider, Sencha Animator demos and our Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink.

h3. Acid3 and Modernizr

The Galaxy Nexus scores a perfect 100/100 on the Acid3 test, just like Android 3. However, a close look at the Acid3 results reveals that there are still rendering artifacts. In the top right of the test image there is a telltale faint red/pink box which should not be there, since Acid3 requires pixel-for-pixel of the reference image. In practice, this won’t impact web browsing or web development much, but it’s a bit of fit-and-finish that “we’re not quite there yet” on Android.

We then turned to Modernizr, one of our favorite tools to look under the hood of a browser. This time, we used the implementation of Modernizr on which provides a clean and easy way to look at Modernizer results. The verdict? Ice Cream Sandwich offers very good HTML5 support! Font-face, geo-location, and full support for the CSS3 suite. Support for the various CSS3 effects is probably what we’re most excited about: animations, reflections, 2D and 3D transformations, as well as transitions are all supported. For web developers, you can finally rely on HTML5 in Android 4.0 to build rich user interfaces. We do note that with @font-face support, the device does in fact support it, but TypeKit does not yet detect it correctly. As with Playbook support, Typekit usually has a lag between first ship and support, so don’t be discouraged just because your TypeKit web fonts don’t work yet.

With all the good news, there were features missing. Things of note that were absent from Ice Cream Sandwich were Web Workers, Web Sockets (so no real-time web on Android just yet), weak support for the new Input Types (like datetime or range), and WebGL. SVG was fully supported. We also decided do a head-to-head between iOS 5 and Android 4 on HTML5 support, and extracted some notable differences between the two platforms. This list isn’t comprehensive, but it shows some gotchas for web devs. Developers should use this guide to decide which APIs to take advantage of on a specific platform, or if they want to stick to the common set.

Feature Android 4 iOS 5
overflow-scrolling No Yes
File API Yes No
History Management No Yes
Shared Workers No Yes
Web Sockets No Yes
Web Workers No Yes
Various Input Types Half Full
Emoji (not part of HTML5) No Yes

h3. Performance Testing

When checking the user agent received, web servers report that our Galaxy Nexus was using WebKit version 534.40, which is a very modern and up-to-date WebKit. Under the hood, according to the BoyGeniusReport, the Galaxy Nexus contains a dual-core ARM processor, specifically the TI OMAP 4460, which is in the same family (Cortex-A9) as BlackBerry PlayBook and the Kindle Fire. We therefore expected SunSpider scores in the same range as other tablets. As we’ve mentioned before, this current generation of tablets all ship with dual-core processors and all have roughly the same JavaScript optimizations. So the results are again fairly predictable and look like other devices we’ve tested in this generation of hardware.

Galaxy Nexus SunSpider results
Like most devices in the dual-core Cortex-A9 family, the Galaxy Nexus has predictably good JavaScript performance. *Note:* This image was updated on Dec 14 at 1:30 PM PST.

The SunSpider tests are synthetic tests that push the JavaScript engine to its limit. So, next we turned our attention to some more real world tests, looking at CSS3 performance using our own Sencha Animator demos as well as a few other tests.

Like we tried with the Kindle Fire, we threw caution to the wind and started off on our most challenging CSS3 animation test, the Kick Fu game that was developed for the launch of Sencha Animator. To our surprise, the game didn’t even start. We were a bit flummoxed by this given the fact that the whole CSS3 animation suite is supported in ICS. It’s unclear to us at the moment why this occurs. Our running theory is that the JavaScript game controls might be at fault, but it’s a wild guess at this point.

We ran through the rest of our Sencha Animator demos, some of which are very complex but are all JavaScript free, and were pleasantly surprised to see them all work beautifully. We haven’t seen an Android device run these demos well to date, and Ice Cream Sandwich shines here. For developers who want to use CSS3 2D, 3D, animations, and transitions, we’re happy to report that support on Ice Cream Sandwich is now near parity with other leading platforms.

We also tested a few other real world areas for performance and correctness. We tried a Canvas based GitHub network graph. Rendering performance was fine and the result was accurate. Pinch/zoom also worked well and didn’t exhibit the low-quality mode toggling, we’ve found in earlier Androids. The resolution and dithering of the page stayed constant as we zoomed and moved around the page. We also tried out Canvas Cycle and it worked reasonably well. The frame rate was solid but it rendered to a very very small part of the screen, most likely due to the very high resolution of the Galaxy Nexus. When we zoomed in, the device managed to keep up reasonably well. The FPS easily dropped by half and audio was never dropped, and the FPS recovered when we zoomed out to the page’s natural size. Very impressive improvement over earlier Androids.

Finally we tested embedded HTML5 audio and video. In one word: finally. We used the test player on, which gives you a video tag inline to the page. The Galaxy Nexus is the first phone we’ve seen that actually plays the video inline! iOS 5 on iPad and the iPhone do not play video inline, and we were impressed to see it work very well on Android 4. The video not only plays, but plays inline to the page. This is a big deal for web developers looking to use Video to enhance their web experience.

The Galaxy Nexus is a big step forward for developers looking to leverage HTML5 on Android.”

h3. Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink

Our Kitchen Sink app is built with Sencha Touch and tests all aspects of our mobile web app framework. The Kitchen Sink gives mobile browsers a good workout as it exercises a huge set of browser features including a wide range of CSS3 effects.

Right off the bat, it’s obvious that the device is more HTML5-friendly than any other Android when using the Kitchen Sink. Rounded corners look beautiful (not pixelated as in earlier Androids), icon mask work correctly, multi-touch is supported and scrolling is substantially improved. It’s not all perfect though: full-screen white flashes were still noticeable when scrolling, even if greatly reduced from the seizure-inducing levels in Honeycomb. Page transitions also occasionally caused the browser to “blink” as it re-renders. Re-renders are most notable when scrolling a page that’s been fully laid out. When starting a scull, the page does a white screen-flash, then begins to scroll fluidly. Our best guess is that the browser is dumping the rendered page to the GPU to use hardware accelerated scrolling, and the blink occurs during that transition. Our guess is the CPU->GPU texture transition is the main culprit here.

Sencha Touch supports 3D transitions, specifically Flip and Cube, and they now work on Android for the first time, although screen-flashes are again a problem artifact. The other big issue we found is that address-bar hiding has changed between Android 3 and 4. This will impact web developers widely. In an single page app, like our Sencha Touch Kitchen Sink, it’s hard to get a hidden address bar to re-appear. On older Androids, pulling the whole page down would side the address bar back and push the page down with it. In ICS, this doesn’t happen reliably, and instead of adjusting the page geometry it actually overlays the address bar on top of the page content. This is not a deal breaker, but a definite change of behavior that developers should watch for.

h3. Ice Cream Sandwich: Suggestions for the HTML5 App Developer

HTML5 logo In summary, the Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich are a major step forward for the Android platform. Feature by feature, HTML5 support has gotten much better, rendering has become more accurate, and performance has gotten much faster. Although still behind the current HTML5 gold standard of iOS5, Android 4.0 is night and day compared to previous versions. We’re excited to see Google put this level of effort into Android’s web capabilities. And we hope they keep their foot on the gas! (And we’re keeping our fingers crossed that the Kindle Fire will get an upgrade to ICS in the New Year!)

coming soon

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