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Giving Thanks

November 24, 2015 112 Views

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With the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday in the United States, this is a time that people often step back and give thanks. At Sencha, we have much to be thankful for.

First and foremost we are grateful for our loyal customers, partners, and community members. Last week we wrapped up our last SenchaCon Roadshow for 2015 with three stops in India. We started these roadshows right after SenchaCon and have now visited more than 21 cities across 16 countries and 4 continents. We are thankful to the thousands of people who came out to join us at roadshows and SenchaCon in Santa Clara, CA. There is nothing better than talking to our community about the amazing web applications that are being built with our platform and hearing your suggestions on how we can serve you even better in the future.

We would also like to thank our customers and partners who spent the time to try the Early Access versions of so many new offerings and gave us your feedback. In 2015, we introduced Early Access versions of Ext JS 6, Inspector, JetBrains Plugin, Visual Studio Plugin, Eclipse Plugin, and GXT 4. Your feedback helped us improve our products and enabled us to deliver higher quality products to you.

We’re thankful for the recognition and awards we received for Ext JS and our new Web Application Lifecycle Management platform. Earlier this year, we were named to the SD Times Top 100 for user experience. Within the last few weeks, we received a 2015 DevCon 5 HTML5 Mobile award for both Ext JS and our Platform, for overall excellence.

I am personally thankful for the very talented people I get to work with at Sencha. It is a pleasure to work with a team that is so dedicated to delivering the best web application technology, services, training, and support to make sure you can build a great user experience for your customers.

Thank you for your business and Happy Thanksgiving.

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