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HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: The New iPad and iOS 5.1 — A Mixed Bag

Apple’s new iPad has a beautiful screen, but often struggles to smoothly display and scale even average webpages. This month, Apple released the "new iPad", its newest and latest tablet device, featuring a high resolution "Retina Display", an updated CPU…


The AT&T API Platform SDK for HTML5

At CES this year, AT&T introduced the [AT&T API Platform SDK for HTML5](, a new SDK based on Sencha Touch that allows developers to easily create apps that connect to its network services. The initial set of APIs introduced are:…

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch 2.0—Built for Amazing Apps

Ever since we first unveiled the original Sencha Touch, we've been raising expectations of what HTML5 apps can do. Almost two years ago, Sencha Touch pioneered a whole new way of creating mobile apps that run across multiple platforms with…


Flex to Sencha: Roadshow Update

I wanted to share an update on the Flex to Sencha Roadshow. Thus far we have visited developers in Dallas, San Francisco, San Diego, Amsterdam (FITC), and most recently London. The roadshow has had a warm reception from Flex developers…

Ext JS

Optimizing Ext JS 4.1-based Applications

Sencha improved performance with Ext JS 4.1, but when it comes to optimal performance of Ext JS-based applications, that's only part of the battle. The rest comes from optimizing applications for performance, which often includes making a few changes so…

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch 2 RC—Now with Native Packaging

Today, we're happy to announce the release candidate of Sencha Touch 2 as well as our "native packaging for Windows and Mac":#native-packaging. Download Sencha Touch 2 RC   View Release Notes *UPDATE*: Sencha Touch 2 GA is now available. Go download that…


First Look at Sencha Designer 2

Sencha Designer 2 beta is the latest version of our visual drag-and-drop tool for building JavaScript-based applications. Designer 2 supports both the Ext JS and Touch frameworks, so you can use the tool to build applications for either desktop or…


Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3: Kindle Fire and Chrome Support

Today we're releasing Sencha Touch 2 Beta 3 with expanded device and browser support. Beta 3 is expected to be the final beta release and a drop-in replacement for Beta 2. While everything is detailed in the release notes, the…

HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: Chrome for Android Beta

As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile platforms, today we’re taking a look at the new Chrome for Android mobile browser beta. There have been rumors of Chrome for Android for quite some time,…

coming soon

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