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The HTML5 Scorecard: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly in iOS 7
September 25, 2013 109 Views

We’ve been testing the final release of iOS 7 over the last few days against our usual battery of HTML5 tests. Normally we’re effusive about new releases of iOS to the point of fanboy-dom, but this time, and for the…

HTML5 Scorecard

BlackBerry 10: The HTML5 Scorecard

In our last HTML5 scorecard, we took a look at the Microsoft Surface vs. the iPad gen4 and gave our nod to the iPad as the best HTML5 platform on tablets. This time, we’re putting the just launched BlackBerry Z10…

HTML5 Scorecard

Microsoft Surface vs. the iPad gen 4: The HTML5 Scorecard

This week, we've been putting both the iPad gen 4 and the Microsoft Surface tablet through their paces to see how they stack up as HTML5 platforms. HTML5 is the next generation of web technologies that is increasingly being adopted…

HTML5 Scorecard

A Survey of JavaScript Timers on Mobile

It wasn't too long ago that web developers were struggling with poor implementations of JavaScript timers in desktop browsers. John Resig's survey of desktop browser timers at the end of 2007 showed serious problems with timer resolution and/or timer consistency…

HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: RIM BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0

Last month, RIM released OS 2.0 for the BlackBerry PlayBook. We were already very impressed with the PlayBook 1.0 browser, and we were anticipating more, new and better. We put it through our HTML5 test wringer, and were pleased to…

HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: The New iPad and iOS 5.1 — A Mixed Bag

Apple’s new iPad has a beautiful screen, but often struggles to smoothly display and scale even average webpages. This month, Apple released the "new iPad", its newest and latest tablet device, featuring a high resolution "Retina Display", an updated CPU…

HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: Chrome for Android Beta

As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile platforms, today we’re taking a look at the new Chrome for Android mobile browser beta. There have been rumors of Chrome for Android for quite some time,…

HTML5 Scorecard

Android–Ice Cream Sandwich: The HTML5 Developer Scorecard

As part of our continuing series, we ran the new Galaxy Nexus through our tests to see how it stacks up as an HTML5 app platform. As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile platforms,…

HTML5 Scorecard

HTML5 Scorecard: Amazon Kindle Fire

As part of our continuing series, we ran the new Amazon Kindle Fire through our tests to see how it stacks up as an HTML5 app platform. As part of our continuing series on the HTML5 capabilities of new mobile…

HTML5 Scorecard

Apple iOS 5: HTML5 Developer Scorecard

Whenever a new device or mobile operating system comes out, we do our HTML5 Developer Scorecard to help folks who are building mobile web apps understand how to take advantage of these new devices. In early October, iOS 5 (and…

coming soon

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