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Flex to Sencha: Roadshow Update

March 5, 2012 180 Views

I wanted to share an update on the Flex to Sencha Roadshow. Thus far we have visited developers in Dallas, San Francisco, San Diego, Amsterdam (FITC), and most recently London. The roadshow has had a warm reception from Flex developers interested in Sencha as a platform. While the syntax of writing software with Sencha frameworks varies wildly from Flex, the core development paradigms are identical. With support for classes, component, and declarative UI; I know Flex developers will be very successful with Sencha as a platform.

!×77.png(Sencha Frameworks)!

In parallel to the roadshow, I have been visiting with many of the top Flex enterprise customers and many are well underway planning and building applications with Sencha. Additionally many of the leading Flex consulting firms and individual Flex consultants have attended Sencha training and are now beginning to build a new practice around application development on HTML5.

I am especially excited to announce that Sencha will be sponsoring “360Flex in Denver on March 15-18”: I will be presenting a keynote at the end of the day on March 16 and we have a great party planned directly afterwards onsite.

Here are more upcoming dates on the Flex to Sencha Roadshow:

March 5 – “New York”:

March 6 – “Boston”:

March 8 – “Chicago”:

March 12 – “Philadelphia”:

March 13 – “Atlanta”:

March 21 – “Seattle”:

March 22 – “Nashville”:

March 24 – “FITC Spotlight JavaScript”:

March 29 – “Los Angeles”:

April 3 – “Washington DC”:

April 5 – “Bay Area Mobile”:

April 15 – “360|Flex in Denver”:

April 23 – “FITC Toronto”:

April 27 – “Adobe Camp Brazil”:

May 1 – “Wellington, New Zealand”:

May 3 – “WebDU – Sydney Australia”:

I look forward to meeting you on the roadshow and highlighting why Sencha is the next platform for application developers.

coming soon

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