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Stack Overflow and Sencha — Strengthening the Developer Community Together

October 30, 2019 118 Views

Sencha’s community is strong and growing. Aligned with our goal to drive relentless modernization, boost transparency, and foster knowledge sharing within the community and beyond, we are thrilled to announce StackOverflow as the new platform for Sencha forums.

Effective Jan 1, 2020 the forum on will transition to the community hosted forum on Stack Overflow and will be read-only going forward. Have a simple getting started question? Need help overcoming obstacles? Want to lend a helping hand to struggling fellow developers? All of this and more can be done on the thriving Sencha forum on Stack Overflow.

Stack Overflow is the preferred digital venue for millions of software professionals wanting to find or provide answers to product questions. With a high response rate, the new collaborative approach will considerably enrich the ecosystem, improve the quality and volume of content available, while assisting our users faster as they build engaging applications.

We want to make it easier for users to get answers quickly and effectively using a platform they use and trust. Let’s strengthen the community together! Read more about our partnership here.

Questions on your mind?

How does this affect the existing Sencha forum?

Between now and Dec 31, 2019, the Sencha forum will remain active for users to continue to post Q&A, after which we transition over to Stack Overflow.

Our dedicated team of Sencha engineers and MVPs are helping build a database of Q&A solutions inside an already vibrant and active community within Stack Overflow (24,000 questions and climbing!). We highly encourage users to check out the Sencha Q&A database.

Is there a change in the Sencha Support Portal?

Beginning Jan 1, 2020, the support portal will be gated to grant priority support for active customers—relieving resources and freeing up bandwidth to expedite solutions to pressing customer issues. Expired customers will continue to receive support through Stack Overflow where the community is empowered to provide solutions as quickly as possible. There will be a bridge period during which the Sencha team will be active in Stack Overflow until the community is comfortable with the new process.

How do I use Stack Overflow?

To be able to post or respond to questions through a registered user, you need to Login or Sign up for a Stack Overflow account. In order to speed up interaction, the platform recommends that questions be specific and succinct, providing necessary information such error logs and setup or configuration details. See detailed guidelines.

To help illustrate this in practice, here are a few good examples of Q&As:

Which tags should I use for my questions?

Depending on the question, use the following product specific tags for questions.
Ext JS framework & Components for React, Angular, WebComponents:
[extjs], [extreact], [extangular], [extwebcomponents] Sencha Tools:
[sencha-architect], [sencha-themer], [sencha-cmd], [sencha-stencils], [sencha-inspector], [sencha-test] You may also want to use additional tags for the version, language, libraries and APIs that your question relates to. Examples: [javascript], [ajax], [html], [extjs7.0]

How do I file bugs or feature requests?

Defects or feature enhancement requests can continue to be filed using Sencha Support Forum.

Why is Sencha making this change?

Sencha’s overarching goals are to deliver robust products that empower our users to solve the industry’s most challenging problems while building a stronger, powerful community.

Faster Support
Every developer knows that Stack Overflow is the go-to destination for answers. Our goal is to make it easier for developers to get answers quickly and easily using the platform they already use and trust. As we transition, we have a team dedicated to cleaning up our tags, synonyms, and other search attributes related to Sencha products to ensure delivery of solutions at an even faster clip.

Stronger Product
Sencha’s collaboration with Stack Overflow will allow for more diverse ideas and a faster feedback loop on new releases. Stack Overflow’s drive to recognize contributors and valuable answers steers a high value on return when looking to solve an edge case or a unique issue. We plan to roll out a program very soon which will recognize our MVPs and active users who contribute to answering forum questions.

Dedicated customer support
We strive to provide the highest quality technical support for our customers. This change will enable us to provide faster support as the portal will serve as a dedicated channel for our active customers with Standard and Platinum Support.

Here’s what our MVPs have to say about this transition:

“The Stack Overflow platform is much faster and moving there should result in a more active community. Having a unified, go-to destination for community support will be a huge value add for Sencha.”

– Federico Baron, Italy, Team Leader at Presso Buildings

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