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August 11, 2015 119 Views

Using Awesome Font Awesome

by Seth Lemmons

Ext JS 6 ships with the new Triton theme that uses font icons from Font Awesome for background images. But, did you know you could use those same icons (and many more from the extensive Font Awesome library) in your components by implementing the `iconCls` and `glyph` configs?

When Using the Triton Theme

You can set the icon using Font Awesome on components with the `iconCls` config like Ext.panel.Panel,, Ext.button.Button, etc. Just use the following syntax:

	// use ‘x-fa’ to add set the font family to Font Awesome
	// then use “fa-{iconName}” to set the icon itself
	iconCls: ‘x-fa fa-star’	// the icon will be the Star icon from Font Awesome

For components with a `glyph` config, you can use the following syntax:

	glyph: ‘xf005@FontAwesome’	// using the unicode “f0005” for Star

All Font Awesome icons can be found on the Font Awesome website.

Note: The `glyph` and `iconCls` configs are exclusive. The `glyph` config was added in Ext JS 4.2 to work around the lack of support for pseudo elements in IE6 and 7. We recommend using `iconCls` over `glyph` going forward because all supported browsers in Ext JS 5+ (IE 8+) have pseudo element support. Most modern icon fonts are accompanied by a set of CSS rules that apply the icon to an element using a pseudo element.

For the Ext.Img component, you can wrap the `` element with a `

` using the `autoEl` config along with `cls` or `glyph`:

               xtype: 'image',
               autoEl: 'div',
               cls: 'x-fa fa-star',
	       //glyph: 'xf005@FontAwesome',
               alt: 'star',
               style: {
                        fontSize: '36px',
                        lineHeight: '36px'
               height: 36,
               width: 36

Note: For the `image` config, you’ll use `cls` instead of `iconCls`.

When Not Using the Triton Theme

If you’re not using the Triton theme, but still want to use the Font Awesome icons in your components, you can include the Font Awesome package in your Sencha Cmd-generated application. To do this, edit the `{appRoot}/app.json` file’s requires array as seen below:

	"requires": [

You can then set the `iconCls` config on components directly as you would be able to when using the Triton theme.

Pictos Icons

You may also require the Pictos icon font set available from the SDK by requiring it in the `app.json` file as well:

	"requires": [

Once required, you can use the following syntax for `iconCls` configs in order to use
icons from the Pictos library.

        // pictos-{iconName} is used to set a named icon from the Pictos icon set
        iconCls: 'pictos pictos-home'

For a map of available Pictos icons, see the Sencha Font Packages guide.

See our Theming Guide for more information on the Triton theme and the included font icons.


Another Option for Saving Association Data

by Joel Watson

When using associations in your Ext JS 5 application, there are a number of ways you can approach saving associated data. Whether you prefer to save each individual model instance separately, create a custom implementation, or use to create batches, Ext JS gives you great flexibility to work with your data in a way that best suits your application’s needs.

However, there are a few new additions in Ext JS 5 for that give you yet another option: allDataOptions and partialDataOptions.

These configurations allow you to define the options that will be passed to the getData() method of when the model’s data is being prepared to be sent to the server. allDataOptions is used for phantom (new) records (or when writeAllFields:true), while partialDataOptions is used for all others (or when writeAllFields:false).

So how does this help us with association data?

Let’s say we have two entities, User and Address:

Ext.define('User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age', {
        name: 'addressId',
        reference: 'Address',
        unique: true

Ext.define('Address', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['street', 'city', 'state', 'postalCode']

In this example, User has a one-to-one association with Address, so whenever we save a User (whether creating a new User or saving changes to an existing one), we would like to also send along any associated Address data in the same request.

In Ext JS 4, one way we could approach this would be to create a custom that expands getRecordData() to call and add the association data to the request data. While this still works just fine in Ext JS 5, we can leverage allDataOptions and partialDataOptions to accomplish the same thing, but save a few lines of code:

Ext.define('User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: [...],
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: 'user.json’,
        writer: {
            type: 'json',
            allDataOptions: {
                persist: true,
                associated: true
            partialDataOptions: {
                changes: false, 
                critical: true,
                associated: true

In our allDataOptions configuration, we have specified the options that we’d like to use during the process of preparing our newly-created User model’s data to be sent to the server:

  • persist: true -> Only send persistent fields (this is set to true by default)
  • associated: true -> Include association data

And the same principle applies for partialDataOptions, which will be used when preparing an existing User model’s data to be sent to the server:

  • changes: true -> Only include modified fields (default)
  • critical: true -> Always include “critical” fields, regardless of change (default)
  • associated: true -> Include association data

Of course, you can tweak these configurations based on your application’s needs. However, with these in place, we should now see that when we create or update a User within our application, the request to the server will also include any association data. Nice!

For more information, please see this Fiddle example of creating and updating User and Address models.


Using Model Ids in Ext JS 5

by Joel Watson

In Ext JS 5, a fairly significant change was introduced regarding id generation. In Ext JS 4, the default id generator did not automatically generate values for the idProperty. So, take a simple example User model:

Ext.define('Fiddle.model.User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
    proxy: {
        type: 'rest',
        url: 'user.json'
// create a new User
var user = new Fiddle.model.User({
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    age: 52

When calling save(), the request to the server would look something like this:

    age: 52,
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe"

In Ext JS 5, however, the default id generator *does* generate a value for idProperty if none is provided. Taking the example above, this produces a slightly different result:

    id: "User-1",
    age: 52,
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe"

Notice how the “id” (which is the default idProperty) is now included in the request? In some instances, developers may have relied upon the Ext JS 4 behavior to determine how to handle incoming requests in their server-side code, in which case this change might introduce some conflicts for those building apps in Ext JS 5.

Fortunately, there are a number of options that you can use to work with (or slightly around) this change.

Id Generators

The first (and often best) option is to use one of the id generators included with Ext JS. For example, using the id generator will produce a successive, negative number for the client-side id value. As most server-side integer-based ids are positive and sequential, the negative id produced by Ext JS is clearly recognizable as provisional, which should allow any server-side code to easily determine the difference between phantom and extant Ext JS model data.

Using our example from above, the negative identifier will produce a result like so:

    id: -1,
    age: 52,
    firstName: "John",
    lastName: "Doe"

Example: Using a negative identifier:

Of course, if one of the included id generators does not suffice, you can always create your own by extending


If using an id generator is not feasible for your application’s requirements, another option is to use the clientIdProperty configuration which has been added to Using this config, you can specify a custom name that will be used as the “key” for the idProperty value when creating a new record and sending its data to the server:

Ext.define('User', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'age'],
    proxy: {
        type: 'rest',
        url: 'user.json',
        writer: {
            type: 'json',
            clientIdProperty: 'userId'

When we save() the User instance, the data sent to the server will now take this form:

    "userId": "User-1",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "age": 52

For existing server-side code that depended upon the absence of the “id” property to identify a new record, this approach maintains the status quo and doesn’t require a modification of the logic.

Example: Using clientIdProperty:


A final option would be to specify a custom transform method on your proxy’s writer. transform() takes two arguments–”data” and “request”–and expects only that you return the data object that should be sent to the server:

writer: {
    type: 'json',
    transform: function(data, request) {
        // do any data transformations here
        // ...
        // return the data object that should be sent to server
        return data;

Using transform(), you can do any processing of the data that is necessary (for example, removing the “id” property) prior to the request being sent to the server. Of the 3 options, this provides the most control over the form and content of the data that is sent to the server. However, it also introduces the most risk for data errors, so it should be used carefully.

Example: Using transform():

For more information about changes and improvements to the data model in Ext JS 5, please see the Ext JS 5 Upgrade Guide.

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