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Large enterprise applications often include millions of lines of code, and offer many specialized features for different constituencies. While these apps are crucial to the business, they can also get a reputation for loading slowly and offering poor performance to…
On behalf of the entire Sencha team, we’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS 6.5.1 and Sencha Cmd 6.5.1. These releases are focused on enhancement requests from customers as well as resolving issues reported by the community. The…
In our recent webinar, What’s New in Sencha Ext JS 6.5 and Cmd 6.5 - watch it now, we presented some amazing new capabilities that were released in Ext JS 6.5 and Sencha Cmd 6.5. Using the Coworkee example application,…
On behalf of the entire Sencha team, we’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS 6.5 and Sencha Cmd 6.5. Ext JS 6.5 delivers some amazing new capabilities for the Modern toolkit. Things like powerful new Grid functionality, advanced…
At SenchaCon, we released Sencha Cmd 6.5 EA, which supports transpilation of ES2015 source code to ES5 based code that works on non-ES2015 capable browsers. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of ES 2015 features and show you…
How to Copy and Paste Data from Your Components by Alex Volfson Users ask me how to copy and paste data from their components. Many components have a complex interaction model, so the default system copy is not always going…
Grid Watermarking by Kevin Cassidy The Ext JS grid is a great tool for presenting information in a handy layout. Some users may want to print this information for use in meetings or promotional materials. However, you may find yourself…
This year was packed full of announcements for our latest frameworks and tools. We appreciate all of the feedback you shared to help make those releases great successes. As the end of 2015 approaches, we’ve put together a collection of…
Full-Width Field Error Messages by Kevin Cassidy Have you ever wanted your validation messages to appear under your form field (msgTarget: ‘under’), but found that the validation message was squashed because of the way the message only appears under the…
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