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We’re very excited to announce that Mike Giddens is the winner of the Sencha Theming Contest! Our goal was to highlight how easy it is to use the latest advancements in Sencha Themer to modify the theme of an existing…
Design, at its core, focuses on the communication of ideas. Regardless of which branch of design you use, the ultimate goal is to clearly communicate. This is why popular design theorists such as Donald Norman promote the use of affordances,…
Today, we’re pleased to announce that Sencha Themer 1.1 is generally available. With Themer 1.1, you can visually inspect and modify styles of components in your app. You can uniquely theme components, including grid, list, tabpanel, title bar, and form…
We’re just 40 days away from the Sencha Theming Contest submission date (March 9). You have a chance to win the $2500 first prize, so don’t delay. To help you with creating winning themes, we’re releasing an update to Themer…
At SenchaCon, we announced that Themer 1.0 is now available to all Ext JS Pro and Premium customers. We’re pleased to announce that Themer 1.1 EA is now available too. It will help you theme components directly within your own…
Today, we’re pleased to announce that Sencha Themer 1.0 is now generally available as part of Ext JS Premium. Themer empowers you to easily theme Ext JS 6 apps and make them look great. You can design themes in an…
We recently introduced the Early Access version of Sencha Themer, which empowers you to easily theme Ext JS 6 apps and make them look great. Sencha Themer enables you to design themes in an interactive visual environment without coding, making…
Developers need to quickly theme applications to match the branding identity and guidelines of their companies. The good news – Ext JS has an extremely powerful theming system due to its massive integrated component library. One of the key advantages…
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