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Ext JS

Sencha Theming Contest: Announcing Third Place Winner – Erin Knight

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Sencha Theming Contest! We received some very well-designed and creative submissions. Our goal was to highlight how easy it is to use the new features in Ext JS 6 such as Fashion and new…

Ext JS

Announcing Ext JS 5.1.2: Including Microsoft Edge Support

It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Sencha Ext JS 5.1.2. This version supports the latest browser – Microsoft Edge. You can now deliver your Ext JS 5.1 applications for your customers using Microsoft Edge. Ext JS 5.1.2 also…

Ext JS

The Rise of Web Tech in the Enterprise

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why we created this infographic to highlight some of the key findings from a recent survey that was conducted by Forrester and commissioned by Sencha. At a high level, the…

Ext JS

Why Ext JS Apps Scale, When Others Don’t

At Sencha, we believe applications should be designed with the ability to scale in a cost-effective manner. Scaling for HTML5 apps comes in three major forms. Easily grow the codebase of a project as you add application features, functionality and…

Ext JS

Sencha Inspector Is Now Generally Available

We’re excited to announce that Sencha Inspector is now generally available as part of Ext JS Premium. Inspector is designed to provide application insights and intelligent debugging capabilities for any Sencha application developed with Ext JS 4.2.0, 5.x, 6.x or…

Ext JS

Wireframing with Ext JS Stencils – Now Available for Sketch and Omnigraffle

About a month ago, we released Ext JS Stencils for Adobe Illustrator. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who downloaded and tried Stencils, and for the positive feedback we’ve received. One common request was that we add…

Ext JS

5 Productivity-Boosting Features – Sencha JetBrains IDE Plugin

Developers are often spoiled by the helpfulness of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). When writing the Sencha Ext JS plugin for JetBrains IDEs, I rarely typed a full line of code without IntelliJ finishing it for me. I’ve been developing in…

Ext JS

Sencha Inspector Beta is Now Available

We’re excited to announce that the beta version of Sencha Inspector is now available. This beta release enables you to evaluate our work in progress. With Inspector beta, you can debug Ext JS classic and modern applications simultaneously on multiple…

Ext JS

Top Support Tips

Using Awesome Font Awesome by Seth Lemmons Ext JS 6 ships with the new Triton theme that uses font icons from Font Awesome for background images. But, did you know you could use those same icons (and many more from…

coming soon

Something Awesome Is