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We’re just 40 days away from the Sencha Theming Contest submission date (March 9). You have a chance to win the $2500 first prize, so don’t delay. To help you with creating winning themes, we’re releasing an update to Themer…
In our recent webinar, Ext JS Reactor: Adding Powerful Ext JS Components to React Apps, we demonstrated how React application developers can leverage rich Ext JS components in their React applications. We showed how you can build a data-driven, cross-platform…
If you’re looking to build your next web application with all the goodness of Tableau and a rich user interface to drive actions, then this article is for you. By embedding Tableau inside Sencha Ext JS applications, you can deliver…
Guest Blog Post Professional traders can manage portfolios with thousands (or tens of thousands) of individual financial instruments. As time goes by, the underlying databases of portfolio holdings, order history, and pricing data can easily accumulate millions of rows. Using…
As we enter 2017, I would like to wish our Sencha community a very happy New Year. I am thankful for your business and I am very proud of all that we achieved together in 2016. Innovations in web application…
One of the biggest challenges for web apps has been that they didn’t look and feel like native apps. Web apps have historically had poor offline capabilities, performance limitations, and almost no access to internal or external hardware. These limitations…
SenchaCon was jam packed with deep technical content from Sencha Engineers, partners, and customers. We’ve published all of the videos and slides, so you and your colleagues can learn about the future of the modern web, exciting advancements we have…
Automation engineers often need two or more browser instances open when writing end-to-end tests. This allows them to test concurrency aspects of web applications such as business logic integrity involving multi-user scenarios. Sencha Test 2.0, along with the new WebDriver…
We’re pleased to announce that Sencha Architect 4.1 is now generally available, providing support for Ext JS 6.2.1 and Cmd 6.2.1. With Architect 4.1, you can drag and drop Ext JS 6 premium components – D3, Pivot Grid, Calendar, Exporter,…
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