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Sencha Test

Continuous Delivery with Sencha Test

Organizations benefit greatly by having an end-to-end automation process. True DevOps is achieved when development, testing, and operations are in sync, and the whole process is fully automated. Many development teams avoid test automation because they feel that writing and…


Top Support Tips

How to Copy and Paste Data from Your Components by Alex Volfson Users ask me how to copy and paste data from their components. Many components have a complex interaction model, so the default system copy is not always going…

Ext JS

Creating Custom Reporting Front-Ends with Ext JS

Over the course of its evolution, a vast majority of our customers have used Ext JS to create customized front-ends for their reporting solutions, or more often customized reporting functionalities within their Ext JS applications. The core reasons that developers…


GXT Customer Spotlight: CERN

CERN is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. It is located near Geneva, on the Franco-Swiss border. It provides the accelerator complex and infrastructure used for high-energy physics research to enable studies…


SenchaCon 2016 – Exciting Updates

We’re hard at work building an incredible agenda for SenchaCon 2016, which is taking place November 7-9th in Las Vegas at the Aria Resort & Casino. We’ve received some excellent presentation abstracts from customers and partners. We’ve also published a…

Ext JS

Announcing Ext JS 6.2 Early Access

We’re extremely excited to announce the availability of Sencha Ext JS 6.2 Early Access release. The early access program enables you, our Sencha community, to test and evaluate our Ext JS 6.2 work in progress. This a great opportunity to…


New Sencha Docs are Coming Soon

We're very excited to announce the official release of our new documentation. Our frameworks and tools have significantly evolved since JS Duck's creation. JS Duck has served us very well, but it is now time to move forward. Our goal…

Ext JS

A Reference Architecture for an Ext JS based IoT Dashboard

Guest Blog Post Overview IoT is becoming pervasive and is driving an exponential growth in the number of connected devices that are generating data, which must be monitored and analyzed. Dashboards are becoming increasingly critical in helping organizations analyze the…

Ext JS

Ext JS Stencils 2.0 is Now Available

We’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS Stencils 2.0, an update to our UI kit for Illustrator, Sketch, and Balsamiq. Stencils 1.0 for Omnigraffle featuring components from the Classic toolkit can still be downloaded. PNG and SVG are…

coming soon

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