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Ext JS

Key Considerations in Developing Web Apps for the Enterprise

My name is Shikhir Singh, and I am the new Sr. Developer Relations Manager at Sencha, based in Los Angeles, California. If you recognize me, chances are we have already met at SenchaCon or another Sencha event. I vividly remember…

Ext JS

Ext JS Customer Spotlight – eScholar

eScholar offers an instructional improvement solution, eScholar myTrack®, which includes comprehensive data dashboards, student profiles, assessment analysis, and goal setting. myTrack helps educators understand what their students’ strengths and weaknesses are, so they can create a personalized education plan that…

Ext JS

Wireframing Made Easy with Ext JS Stencils

We’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS Stencils, a complete UI asset kit for Adobe Illustrator. With the recent release of Sencha Ext JS 6, we wanted to include assets that help designers easily mock up applications. Ext…

Ext JS

How to Create a Dark Ext JS Theme
– Part 2

I’ve been showing you how to develop a fancy dark theme, which kind of looks like Spotify. In Part 1 of the article, you learned about Fashion, Sencha Inspector, Themes, and variables. In Part 2, I’ll focus on more advanced…

Ext JS

How to Create a Dark Ext JS Theme
– Part 1

Introduction Every now and then, I demo my Spotifinder Ext JS app. It’s a really cool app that connects to LastFm and Spotify. I created it, to demo Ext JS concepts in my training classes. It also shows off the…

Ext JS

Sencha Application Theming Contest

Here's an opportunity for you to show us just how creative you are. Sign up for the Sencha Application Theming contest. Use the new blazingly fast Fashion theming capabilities in Ext JS 6 to create a new look and feel…

Ext JS

How to Style Apps with Fashion in Ext JS 6

In Ext JS 6, one of the big new features is the merged framework. With a single codebase, you can create the best performing applications, with the ideal experience on each device. It also includes a new way to style…

Ext JS

Sencha Inspector Early Access is Available

SenchaCon 2015 brought together more than 600 Sencha developers, customers and partners from around the world to discuss the future of app development – it gave us an amazing opportunity to engage with our community and better understand your needs.…


Company Update

It is incredible how fast a year goes by! June 2015 marks one year at Sencha for me, and what a great year it has been. I continue to be amazed and impressed by the creativity of the enterprise developers…

coming soon

Something Awesome Is