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Introduction Hosting DeveloperWeek Bay Area at the Oakland Convention Center in the heart of Oakland's City Center was a terrific idea, and despite the Teacher’s Strike giving the local cops some work to do traffic-wise, the warm bright sun reflected…
We’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS visual tooling updates that provide a faster way to develop great looking Ext JS 6.7 apps. The release of Architect 4.2.5 supports visually building apps, Themer 1.3.5 supports visually theming apps,…
With more than 20 speakers, a whole day pre-conference training and multiple workshops focusing on the Sencha framework and web development, we have a few good reasons for you to attend this year's Ext JS conference: Sencha Community Days 2019…
It is a given that taking on learning a new library or framework can be a daunting task for any developer, and sometimes a “Hello, World” or “To Do” app just doesn’t meet the standard to truly feel like one…
On behalf of the entire Sencha team, we’re excited to announce the release of Sencha Ext JS 6.7 with major enhancements to the Modern toolkit. The Ext JS 6.7 Modern toolkit now supports grid filtering, grid locking, virtual scrolling for…
We’re pleased to announce that the early access version of Ext JS Upgrade Adviser is now available. Ext JS Upgrade Adviser scans your Ext JS 4.x and Ext JS 5.x apps to identify and report problems in your source code…
A cautionary tale of navigating modern development Introduction Search the Internet for “Open Source” and the number of hits is astonishing. The fact that open source has been accepted into the business mainstream is indisputable, as IBM’s purchase of Red…
We’re pleased to announce that the early access version of Sencha ExtAngular is now available. ExtAngular provides hundreds of pre-built UI components that you can easily integrate into your Angular 7.x apps. ExtAngular EA Highlights Harness the power of big…
You had questions and we’ve got answers! Please find a summary of questions and answers collected from our community of Sencha users at recent Sencha events, including the London, Paris and Munich Roadshows as well as our most recent webinar,…
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