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Announcing GXT 4 Early Access

September 24, 2015 128 Views

Sencha GXT 4

We are extremely excited to announce the availability of Sencha GXT 4 Early Access version. This program enables you, our Sencha community, to test and evaluate our GXT 4 work in progress. This a great opportunity to help us make this the best GXT release ever.

With GXT 4, you’ll be able to build rich, data-centric HTML5 applications for both desktops and tablets using Java, and mobilize your existing GXT apps.

New GXT 4 Features

GXT 4 includes tablet support by introducing the touch and gesture system at the core of the framework. It also introduces a new theme, Triton, that is designed to work across desktop and tablet devices. Below are some highlights of the tablet support and Triton theme in GXT 4.

Tablet Support with Touch Gestures

GXT 4 provides support for devices with touch-screen input, including tablets and touch-screen laptops. This allows existing GXT applications to run on touch-screen devices with little or no modification. Support for devices with touch-screens can be broken down into two categories.

  • Gesture System – which combines native browser events such as touchstart, touchmove, and touchend, and synthesizes them into gestures. Upon interpreting the sequence and timing of these touch events, the system recognizes more complex gestures such as drag, swipe, longpress, pinch, rotate, and tap.
  • Touch Scroller (Momentum Scrolling) – for mobile (tablet) browsers, which improves the scrolling experience on touch sensitive devices.

GXT 4 Gestures

Most complex UI components in GXT such as Grid, TreeGrid, Tree, and Data View are now optimized for a better scrolling experience on touch-enabled devices.

New Triton Theme

While adding Touch and Gesture support to GXT, we wanted to create a new theme that is optimized for a tablet application experience. Given the transition from a mouse and click interface on desktop devices to a touch-based interaction, we needed to enable the use of a wider contact surface (fingertips) on tablets. We’re introducing a new Triton theme in GXT 4 (inspired by Triton in Ext JS 6), which is a common new theme available for both desktop and tablet applications.

GXT 4 Triton Theme

We’re proud to release this early access version to the community and continue to evolve GXT as the best way to deliver robust Java-based HTML5 applications for desktops and tablets. Read What’s New in GXT 4 for a complete view of all the new features.

We Need Your Feedback

GXT 4 early access is available for download immediately. We’re working hard to release GXT 4 GA as soon as possible. We need your help and feedback to make that happen. Try out GXT 4, migrate one of your GXT 3.x apps, and report bugs in the GXT 4 forum. We look forward to your feedback.

Buy GXT Before Prices Increase

Once GXT 4 is generally available, prices will be increased to $5,975 for 5 licenses. If you buy now, you’ll pay $4,775 for 5 licenses – a savings of $1,200.



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