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Sencha Roadmap Update

Overview Over the past year, we have been listening to developers’ needs and we found that the majority of developers interested in Sencha are Enterprise Web Developers who are looking for: Comprehensive core framework with the latest Javascript Standards Support…

Ext JS

From then to now: Ext JS 4.x to 6.x, Royal Weddings, Space Shuttles and Oprah

What a difference 7 years makes! The year was 2011. What a year it was! A royal wedding, the last flight of the space shuttle, Oprah’s final episode, and… Ext JS version 4.0.0 was launched (on April 25, 2011)! Back…


Announcing Sencha ExtReact 6.6.1 with React 16.5 Support

We’re excited to announce the release of ExtReact 6.6.1 with support for the latest React framework version 16.5 and Babel 7. Download ExtReact ExtReact Customers: Follow the Getting Started guide and reinstall npm packages for your existing ExtReact 6.6 apps…


September Savings for Sencha

Last Winter we brought back the Single Developer license for Ext JS and earlier this year, followed suit with GXT. Many of you may be happy to know that we have updated the licensing model to allow perpetual distribution rights…


Announcing Sencha ExtReact 6.6 GA with React 16 Support

On behalf of the entire Sencha team, we’re excited to announce the release of ExtReact 6.6 with support for the latest React framework version 16.x. ExtReact now provides hundreds of pre-built UI components that you can easily integrate with your…


Announcing Sencha Themer 1.3.3 GA

We’re excited to announce the release of Sencha Themer 1.3.3, which supports theming for ExtReact 6.6 applications and components. This release supports the ExtReact applications generated using the new ExtReact application generator tooling. Download Now Existing Sencha Themer users: Within…


Learn how to build React 16 based web applications with the Sencha Grid

React 16 is the first version of React built on top of React’s new core architecture, codenamed “Fiber”. React 16 is designed from the ground up to support asynchronous rendering, which allows processing large component trees without blocking the main…

Ext JS

Video Series: Build an Ext JS Application from Scratch Using Modern Toolkit

To make it easier for developers that are new to Ext JS, I have created a set of short videos describing the process of creating an application from scratch using the Modern Toolkit. In this series we will create an…


Sencha Themer 1.3.2 提供開始のお知らせ

この記事は、Sandeep AdwankarによるAnnouncing Sencha Themer 1.3.2 GAの抄訳です。 このたびSencha Themer 1.3.2のリリースを発表しました。このリリースでは、新しいGraphiteテーマやExtReactベースのアプリケーションを含む最新のExt JS 6.6フレームワークとコンポーネントをサポートしています。さらにnpmとオープンツールで作成されたExt JS 6.6アプリケーションにも対応しています。 ダウンロード方法 Sencha Themerユーザー:Sencha Themerを起動すると、バージョン1.3.2のアップグレードに関する情報が通知されます。 Ext JS Pro、Premium、EnterpriseおよびExtReact Premiumのユーザー:サポートポータルからSencha Themerをダウンロードできます。 下記製品の無料30日間トライアル版に含まれるThemerをダウンロード Ext JS Ext JS 6.6 with open tooling ExtReact 注:Themer 1.3.2にはCmd 6.5.1以上が必要です。 新着情報 Ext JS6.6のテーマとオープンツールで作成したアプリ Ext JS…

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