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I have just returned from a great trip to Europe to speak at the Sencha Roadshow events and App Camps we hosted in London, Paris and Munich. It was an incredible few weeks; I met a lot of great customers…
Sencha joined the IDERA team just about six weeks ago. Since then, there have been a lot of upheaval and worry among the community. Unfortunately, the rumors you'll find flying around on the internet right now are, at best, largely…
Last week, we announced the release of Sencha Ext JS framework 6.5.2 and Sencha Cmd 6.5.2. These releases include hundreds of minor improvements and bug fixes in both of the Ext JS modern and classic toolkits. We are currently working…
We’re excited to announce the release of Ext JS 6.5.2 and Sencha Cmd 6.5.2. These releases are focused on resolving issues reported by customers and the Ext JS community. Ext JS 6.5.2 includes hundreds of minor improvements and bug fixes…
We are delighted to add Sencha to the IDERA family. In the last few weeks, we’ve spent a lot of time learning about the business and products and speaking with developers, customers, and global resellers. I am really excited about the…
The Ext JS D3 Adapter offers you amazing built-in data visualization components including heatmap, treemap, sunburst, and more, and it also gives you complete flexibility to create your own visualizations. You can pick any visualization from the D3.js gallery and…
Progressive Web Applications have become a viable alternative to native applications: they can be installed, used to work offline, and have access to the device hardware. In this article, I’ll show you how to make your existing web applications even…
I’m very pleased to announce that Sencha has been acquired by IDERA, Inc. Sencha will become part of IDERA’s Developer Tools business, combining Embarcadero’s award-winning RAD Studio portfolio with Sencha’s Ext JS framework, Sencha Test and ExtReact. This product portfolio…
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