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What’s Coming in Sencha Touch 2.3

Introduction Those of you who attended SenchaCon 2013 got a brief intro to what is coming up in the next Sencha Touch release. In this article, we are excited to share with you the specifics of the upcoming Sencha Touch…


Greg Rewis: Sailing into the Sencha Community

“This was the best SenchaCon ever!” was a statement that I heard over and over last week — and I have to agree! Now, I might be a little biased given the fact that I have recently joined Sencha as…


Highlights and Announcements from SenchaCon 2013

Yesterday's SenchaCon keynote address was filled with exciting announcements. We'll be posting a video of the entire keynote shortly, but here's a summary of all of the new stuff that was announced and demonstrated on stage. Introducing Sencha Space The…


Company Update: July 2013

The last few months have been a busy time here at Sencha. We’ve been working to get everything ready for SenchaCon, and with two weeks to go, it looks like everything is coming together! In parallel with the conference, we’ll…


Announcing Sencha Blink 1.0

Today we’re pleased to announce the first release of Sencha Blink, a cross platform UI toolkit for the coming wave of spectacle-based devices. Sencha Blink offers a full set of display components, fully abstracted eye events (using the new W3C…


Sencha Company Update

We’ve had a great few months here at Sencha. We’ve shipped a bunch of new product upgrades, moved into a great new space here in the Bay Area, and had some pretty awesome entries in our “HTML5 is Ready” app…


Sencha Eclipse Plugin 2.0 New and Noteworthy

Guest Blog Post ### Intro ### Sencha Eclipse Plugin is a full code assist, searching and validation plugin for the popular Eclipse IDE. With the plugin, you're able to get code assist for standard Sencha Touch 2.1 and Ext JS…


Faster, Better Search for Sencha Forums

This year we wanted to make big improvements in the Sencha Forums. We started by adding post voting, JIRA integration and trends. Next up, we set out to make search better. Here's what we've done to make search more useful…


Introducing Sencha Complete: Team

Today we’re excited to announce the availability of our newest bundle, Sencha Complete: Team. Over the last couple of years, we’ve been working hand in hand with our customers as they use Sencha products to make more complex and mission…

coming soon

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